installing a wiki

Posted by peelie 
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installing a wiki
September 08, 2014 02:23PM
over in the general thread people have got monkeywiki working []

is it possible to do something similar for piratebox for android?
if so any pointers?

Re: installing a wiki
September 08, 2014 05:21PM
You can get PHP running on PirateBox.
Note: The PHP binary will only work on ARM processors.

Here are the installation instructions:

1. Download the ZIP file: []
2. Extract the pb_php_setup folder to your PirateBox html installation directory (this might be /data/data/ or /sdcard/pireatebox/html)
3. Start PirateBox with option Autostart AP off (so you can use the IP number whitout having to use the PirateBox AP)
4. Open the webpage http://[PirateBox IP]/pb_php_setup inside a browser
5. Press the install button
6. Restart PirateBox
7. Delete the html/pb_php_setup directory

After that, you shold be able to install DokuWiki and PunBB.

Here is a screenshot of PunBB running on the PirateBox.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/09/2014 09:53AM by joschi70.
Re: installing a wiki
September 08, 2014 06:49PM

to install say dokuwiki is it necessary to start piratebox with Autostart AP off as in the php install?

thank you
Re: installing a wiki
September 08, 2014 08:00PM
It is not necessary to switch off the Autostart AP option. If you do, you don't have to connect to the PirateBox AP. You can stay in your normal WiFi, I find that more convenient.
Re: installing a wiki
September 08, 2014 08:10PM
i installed php okay however am getting a "No input file specified" message when trying to install dokuwiki

have you tried in installing dokuwiki?

Re: installing a wiki
September 09, 2014 09:53AM
Worked fine for me.

There seem to be some problems with the PHP binary on some devices.
I've uploaded a new version that includes the DroidPHP PHP binary, maybe that works better for you.

If you are getting warnings you can switch them off by editing the piratbox/conf/php.ini file:
;error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED
error_reporting = E_ERROR
Re: installing a wiki
September 09, 2014 09:50PM
thanks getting further along, managed to install dokuwiki but when trying to register or edit a page i get this message:

Call to undefined function utf8_decode() in /data/data/ on line 139

a search on internet talks about missing php-xml package?


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/09/2014 09:51PM by peelie.
Re: installing a wiki
September 10, 2014 03:18AM
I get this too when running PubBB, which worked with PHP 5.3.6 which I had installed before.
DokuWiki works fine for me with PHP 5.5.9.
Re: installing a wiki
September 10, 2014 12:47PM

is it possible (unless of course you already did that in PirateBox_PHP_Setup_v0.3) for you to build latest version of droidphp as a there was a bug with utf8_encode() dated july 14 -


Re: installing a wiki
September 10, 2014 01:58PM
No sorry, I don't have the tool-chain to build ARM binaries.
I tried that a while back but this was a mess sad smiley
Re: installing a wiki
September 10, 2014 02:20PM
ah i see, so how did you get dokuwiki working?
Re: installing a wiki
September 10, 2014 04:50PM
Got it working somehow, but some warnings may appear.
Actually this was quite straight forward.

1. Installed PHP (both versions do work)
2. Downloaded DokuWiki and extracted the dokuwiki folder to piratebox/html
3. Opened DokuWiki from a browser

On fist call of pages some warnings did appear although warnings were switched off in php.ini file.
The result looks like this:

Re: installing a wiki
September 10, 2014 05:59PM
yes that's one of the help pages i think.

have you tried creating a page? or registering as a user? i can't get those to work , gives me the utf8_encode() message.
Re: installing a wiki
September 25, 2014 07:55AM
I installed both versions of of php and it fixed everything without editing the php.ini smiling smiley
spinning smiley sticking its tongue out
Re: installing a wiki
September 25, 2014 09:56PM
hi could you explain?
Re: installing a wiki
September 30, 2014 08:51PM
¿Cómo puedo hacer esto mismo en una PirateBox que corre en una Laptop?

How I can do the same in a PirateBox running on a Laptop?


Saludos desde Colombia.
Re: installing a wiki
November 10, 2014 05:37AM
This is pretty cool. Is there any database solution that works on piratebox android (or more accurately, the underlying PAW server it runs on?) I've been trying to get an imageboard running, but aside from kareha (which requires cgi/perl, which has been a pain and I cant get it working) there are a few others using php that require a database.

EDIT: I found one that doesnt need a database, TinyIB []
Will report back if it works.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/10/2014 05:50AM by WACOMalt.
Re: installing a wiki
November 10, 2014 01:00PM

SQLite databases do work with PHP on Android.
Used them a couple of times with phpLiteAdmin.
Re: installing a wiki
November 10, 2014 02:19PM
Well, I got it almost working with flatfile, I'll try sqlite next. But it seems TinyIB needs the php-gd module to be able to do anything with images. This has been built for arm pleny, I found packages for arch and debian arm, and is usually included with php. Is it included with the php installer you provided?

Its the last thing I need for this to all work. Text posts go through fine.
Re: installing a wiki
November 10, 2014 02:29PM
GD doesn't seem to be included. Tried to compile that once, but unfortunately it didn't work.