Making on-device files available in PirateBox
May 06, 2016 06:11PM
Hey there everyone! Hope this is in the right spot to ask this.

Anyway, I have a battered old tablet that I managed to get Piratebox up and running on. What I want to use it for is to share PDFs/document files for when friends come over for games like DnD and World of Darkness, etc. I have the pirate box working, and I have an SDcard plugged into the tablet with all the PDFs, and other devices can connect to the pirate box, but none of the files/folders I put into the directory appear when accessing the piratebox from another device!!

Uploading it wireless file by file(it's something like 30 gigs of PDFs and documents total) sounds like a huge pain. is there anyway I can get the app to recognize files already in the shared directory?

Re: Making on-device files available in PirateBox
October 09, 2016 06:54AM
I'm having the same issue on a Nexus 4 (that I'm using for the same purpose, only for conventions and the like). I'd be very interested in what the problem is. I only have chromebooks (and a desktop without wifi), so copying the files manually is my only option for the time being.
Re: Making on-device files available in PirateBox
October 09, 2016 08:23AM
Having borrowed my neighbors windows laptop to try to upload the files, I think I figured out where the hangup was. When the files are uploaded, they don't go into the root of whatever folder you choose. They go to the "uploads" subfolder. Still doesn't explain why the chromebooks can't upload to it, but that's how to "upload" without connecting to the interface.