Admin page

Posted by Bezleputh 
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Admin page
July 31, 2014 02:03PM

I created a small admin page.
The aim is to help to customize the piratebox index page, to install formatted themes zip and to install formatted addons zip.

Modifications will be saved in a json file: "admin/index_content.json". The content of this file, will allow to create a new index page using : "admin/index.template" file.

Additional themes, uploaded using the admin page will be stored in "Themes" folder. In order to be automatically added to the admin page, uploaded zip themes must be formatted as it: a root folder, the name of this folder will be the name of the theme, containing at least a default.css file.

zip file
folder containing the theme
(whatever needed in the theme)

I provide a SteamPunkTheme, fully inspired of the theme provided by the SteamPunkBox, as an exemple.

Additional addons, uploaded using the admin page will be stored in "Addons" folder. In order to be automatically added to the admin page, uploaded zip addons must be formatted as it
- a root folder, the name of this folder will be the name of the addon
- an optional "index.html" file containing the html code to add in the piratebox index page
- an optional "script.js" file containing javascript code needed by the addon
- an optional "cgi-bin" folder containing all python scripts needed by the addon.
- an optional "README.TXT" file whose content will be displayed in a pop up at the end of the install process

zip file
folder containing the addon

I provide a slideshow addon, as an example.

During the installation, a "chat" folder and an "upload" folder will be created in the "www" folder. They will contain the minimum features to manage chat and upload as addons.

To install the addon page, you must unzip the admin zip in www folder, then inside the admin folder, run

You will be able to access the admin page at piratebox.lan/admin/admin.html.

You can fond the admin zip here
You can find the slideshow addon zip here
You can find the SteamPunk theme zip here

There is not yet a login management.
This addon is just a proof of concept, that must be improved.
Just tell me what you think about it.
Re: Admin page
August 01, 2014 03:22PM
Hi, is there a way to set a password for the admin page?
Re: Admin page
August 04, 2014 11:41AM

No, there is not yet any way to set a password.
I will work on it.