Challenge: MoinMoin Wiki on PirateBox (python wiki)

Posted by NoPiracyHere 
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Challenge: MoinMoin Wiki on PirateBox (python wiki)
September 10, 2014 02:50PM
Actually I don't want to add a wiki to the PirateBox. I would like the PirateBox to be the wiki! Or really the wiki to be the main interface to the PirateBox.

Obvious names for a PirateBox with an interface based on a wiki would be a WikiBox, WikiWikiBox or PiratePirateBox. smoking smiley

So when you connect you are directed to the frontpage of the wiki, and can navigate from there.

The wiki should preferably be themed so it isn't neccessarily obvious that it is a wiki you are browsing.

This would make it easy to change and update the looks and the uses of a piratebox. Simply change the theme of the wiki or edit a wiki page. Some form of lockdown and authorization might be needed so you have to login to be able to change some of the pages, for instance the frontpage, but could allow others to add pages as well. Things like chat and imageboard could be linked to from the frontpage of the wiki, or even embedded there.

Files could be uploaded to and stored in the wiki. Perhaps using some form of plugin that harvest metadata and displays it and asks the uploader to edit the metadata, or possibly delete parts. And the metadata is used to create pages for the files, or groups of files.

I have been looking and MoinMoin seems like a nice wiki that should be possible to run on most PirateBoxes. It uses python, works with lighttpdm don't need a database and MoinMoin even has a sync feature that might be possible to utilize to replicate new or updated wikipages between PirateBoxes.

Preferably the wiki files should all be stored on the external USB-memory. That would make it possible to simply take that USB-memory and plug it in to a PC and start the same wiki software there, and edit away on the wiki and upload at full speed. And when done, simply plug the USB-stick back into the piratebox and start sharing the updated wiki.

I will experiment, but I don't expect any quick success or even any success at all. I am a noob regarding PirateBox and OpenWRT. Hopefully someone with more knowledge can say if this may be possible or even do some of it and document it, so I don't have to... winking smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/10/2014 05:49PM by Matthias.
Re: Add simple wiki on Piratebox ?
September 10, 2014 05:47PM
that looks interesting and I think it should work. Maybe you have to install a bunch of missing python packages... but you can figure that out only via try-and-error.
the most important question, after everything is done, is "How fast is it" ? This is crucial.

Even If I think that is an interesting challenge, I have no time to go for it.

I'll split up this post and move it to our Mod-Section.


This is only my signature.
Re: Challenge: MoinMoin Wiki on PirateBox (python wiki)
September 13, 2014 07:32PM
Yes, the performance is an issue.

I am now investigating a simple wiki written in C++. That should give speed enough...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/13/2014 07:34PM by NoPiracyHere.