mumble/murmur on piratebox?

Posted by jjg 
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mumble/murmur on piratebox?
September 13, 2014 07:04PM
Has anyone tried getting a Mumble ( [] ) server running on a piratebox? There is an OpenWRT server called uMurmur but I was curious as to if anyone has tried to run it?

If it works it could be a really cool addition, but maybe there's a reason for it not being included already?
Re: mumble/murmur on piratebox?
September 15, 2014 06:10AM
Got a chance to take a whack at this tonight and it seems to be working! Need to do more testing to figure out if it's useful, but I was able to get a wicked feedback loop going between two iOS devices smiling smiley

Here's my first draft of a writeup on getting this going with Piratebox OpenWRT:

Download OpenWRT packages:


Upload & Install Packages
My Piratebox isn't connected to the Internet so I downloaded each package above to my laptop and then connected to the Piratebox network, uploaded the files via the Piratebox UI and installed them directly from the filesystem using the opkg command as such:

opkg install /mnt/usb/Piratebox/Shared/<filename.ipk>

I got some warnings after installing these packages but it didn't seem to interfere with them working (need to go back and look into those sometime...).

Generate Certificate
I generated a self-signed certificate on my Debian linux laptop using the following commands:

mkdir pbcert
cd pbcert
openssl genrsa -des3 -out piratebox.lan.key 1024
openssl req -new -key piratebox.lan.key -out piratebox.lan.csr
cp piratebox.lan.key{,.orig}
openssl rsa -in piratebox.lan.key.orig -out piratebox.lan.key
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in piratebox.lan.csr -signkey piratebox.lan.key -out piratebox.lan.crt

Upload & Move Certificate Files
Upload the piratebox.lan.key and piratebox.lan.crt files created above using the Piratebox UI and then copy them to the /etc/umurmur/ directory. Once copied, edit the /etc/umurmur.conf file to use these two files instead of the defaults.

Enable & Run the uMurmur server
/etc/init.d/umurmur enable
/etc/init.d/umurmur start

Connect & Test
Using a Mumble client, connect to the Piratebox.lan server. If you receive certificate warnings that's normal since the certificate was created by a non-registered certificate authority (you).

Use the "logread" command to see if the uMurmur server started correctly and if any errors are being recorded. You should see lines in there when clients connect if things are working correctly. I get some "SSL handshake failed" messages in my log but they don't seem to prevent Mumble from working.

Re: mumble/murmur on piratebox?
September 15, 2014 06:58PM
Did some brief testing today and audio quality is completely usable between two iOS clients and an MR3040 Piratebox.

Next tests will be with the WR702N repeaters to see if I can setup a neighborhood telephone system winking smiley

- Jason
Re: mumble/murmur on piratebox?
September 16, 2014 05:50PM
is that umurmur that small that it fits directly on the device?

of did you install it on the usb stick using
opkg install -d ext <package>

How is the load and/or the memory usage?


This is only my signature.
Re: mumble/murmur on piratebox?
September 17, 2014 06:13AM
I didn't use the "-d ext" flags when installing it, so I guess that means it got installed directly on the device (still learning how OpenWRT does things smiling smiley.

Load & memory usage is negligible at idle, but I haven't done enough testing while in-use to say much about that yet. I'm hoping to do a more extended test tomorrow and take better measurements. I did opt for polarssl vs openssl as much of what I read about uMurmur indicated that polarssl is much less resource intensive than openssl.

Sound quality seemed good, at least good enough to have a conversation (I've never used a regular Murmur server so I don't have anything to compare it to directly in that regard). I'm curious to see how it holds up when I add more users as well, but so far I've been pleasantly surprised.

- Jason
Re: mumble/murmur on piratebox?
September 28, 2014 04:08AM
I will be following this idea as well.