CSS Themes - One File Install

Posted by TXTCLA55 
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CSS Themes - One File Install
November 05, 2014 08:37PM
For those like myself who are terrible at anything too technical here's some new CSS styles to add to your PirateBox.

Themes (So far)
Pirates Smile
Tree Hugger

Download All In zip //\\ Github Repo

Install Instructions
1. Using SSH, log into your PirateBox and navigate to your "www" folder.

2. Remove the current "style.css" file using the command:
rm style.css

3. Check that the file has been deleted from the PirateBox. Then copy over the "style.css" from this folder using the command:
scp root@b:/path/to/NEW-STYLE.CSS /path/to/WWW-FOLDER

Remember that "NEW-STYLE.CSS" is the style you just downloaded and "WWW-FOLDER" is where the old style.css was.

4. Once copied check the file is in place, then try to refresh or open the PirateBox on your browser, the new theme should now be in place.

5. Sit back and enjoy the view.
Re: CSS Themes - One File Install
November 05, 2014 08:49PM
Very nice!

I am a little scared of deleting stuff, so I would prefer to keep the old css. Perhaps rename it.

Language: Bash
mv style.css old_style.css
Re: CSS Themes - One File Install
November 05, 2014 08:59PM
NoPiracyHere Wrote:
> Very nice!
> I am a little scared of deleting stuff, so I would
> prefer to keep the old css. Perhaps rename it.
> mv style.css old_style.css


Excellent idea. The "Pirate Smile" theme is kinda the same as the original, just a few color swaps.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/05/2014 08:59PM by TXTCLA55.