DNS setting after moving to www_alt folder

Posted by venkat 
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DNS setting after moving to www_alt folder
December 05, 2014 02:50AM

We moved application to www_alt folder recently. But after that we are not able to have the domain resolution.
Please help with the dnsmasq setting that need to be done to get the name resolution working
Appreciate any help.

Re: DNS setting after moving to www_alt folder
December 16, 2014 01:13AM
I experienced this as well! As I was using this, it was pointing to google.com the entire time. Thanks for reminding me, i should edit my thread with this.
Re: DNS setting after moving to www_alt folder
December 16, 2014 07:20AM
then DNS resolution has nothing to do with the www_alt stuff.
The only thing you may encounter is that you don't have the redirect.html so a 404 wont redirect you to piratebox.lan as "a static url"

regards Matthias