Stripped-down (Custom) Install

Posted by ajday 
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Stripped-down (Custom) Install
December 23, 2014 11:19AM
Firstly, I'd like to apologise if this has been asked before. Have scanned the forum but haven't (yet) found anything that answers my question.

I'd like to be able to create a stripped down install - specifically omitting image board and minidlna.

Am I correct in thinking that I need to...

a) edit 'autopackage' to contain only extendRoot-piratebox
b) unpack 'piratebox_ws_1.0_img-tar-gz', mount 'piratebox.img', edit 'www/index.html', 'src/HEADER.txt' to suit
c) unmount and repack 'piratebox_ws_1.0_img-tar-gz'
d) delete '', 'cache/*minidlna*.ipk' and 'cache/*imageboard*.ipk' (not necessary, I know)

I can't help but think I've missed something. Or worst still, am about to brick my MR3040.

UPDATE: I have missed something. Hangs during installation. Reflash possible. Back to the drawing board.

Thanks in advance,
-- Adrian

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/23/2014 02:20PM by ajday.
Re: Stripped-down (Custom) Install
December 23, 2014 04:45PM
the easiest way to leave that out is to edit the auto_package file inside the install folder before your (re)flash the device. There you remove the entry with extendRoot-minidlna and piratebox-mod-imageboard.

That make the PirateBox not to install the imageboard software and so on.


This is only my signature.
Re: Stripped-down (Custom) Install
December 23, 2014 06:24PM
Hi Matthias,

The /opt/piratebox/www/board directory is still being created during the install. Unsure as to where this is happening. It contains Haven't yet located the script that controls the install. Is it contained within the extendRoot-piratebox ipk file?

Love what you've done btw. Was in the process of doing something similar on the Raspberry Pi when I came across PirateBox - and then I saw that it ran on the TL-MR3040. Perfect! Only really need file sharing, but the chat function is something I'd never really considered.

Keep up the excellent work,
-- Adrian
Re: Stripped-down (Custom) Install
December 23, 2014 09:33PM
Hi Adrian,
thanks smiling smiley

the board folder is created with a dummy file during init-phase of the PirateBox Scripts (see triggert via opt/piratebox/init.d/piratebox(_alt) ). The folder is created every new installation or upgrade during start.
It is a spacer for the Board installation. you can remove the folder later later.

best wishes

This is only my signature.
Re: Stripped-down (Custom) Install
December 24, 2014 08:25AM
Thanks so much. Now have something to keep me occupied over the Christmas break besides being sociable and getting drunk!