Documentation improvements (collecting thread)
September 21, 2016 07:00PM
This thread is for collecting and processing feedback on our documentation.

Feel free to give us constructive feedback, code or documentation snippets we should include.

Many thanks
best regards

Things to document/fix:

* OS upgrade guide for Archlinux - PirateBox images; it seems to break
* How to activate mesh feature
* Wrt: Upgrade via auto_flash
* Wrt: Upgrade webpage updates on 1.1.x to 1.1.y
* RPi: fallback wifi configuration
* RPi: Adjust howto for Pi-Zero
* Know working wifi adapter; make note about RPi3 fixed
* Rpi+Laptop(+CHIP): How to activate WPA encryption for hotspot

Documents done:

Open-Wrt ; Activate PHP
Laptop & RPi - Activate PHP

Reflash with auto_flash
Extended FAQ

RPi Mesh
Issue with RPi3 is fixed
Pi0 added
RPi fallback client wifi is in the mod section
Reworked the openwrt upgrade path and removed the old version to a separate page

This is only my signature.

Edited 13 time(s). Last edit at 07/07/2017 08:00AM by Matthias.
Re: Documentation improvements (collecting thread)
September 21, 2016 07:50PM
It seems we need a guide & troubleshooting section about upgrading the Archlinux based RPi version. it seems that some problems occur after pacman -Suy
Re: Documentation improvements (collecting thread)
October 09, 2016 07:52AM
OpenWrt ; Activate PHP
Laptop & RPi - Activate PHP

As you see pretty easy winking smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/09/2016 09:27AM by Matthias.
Re: Documentation improvements (collecting thread)
November 22, 2016 03:39AM
Here you have some PirateBox installation guides in Spanish.
There are included mr3020 guide and Raspberry Pi Raspbian guide. The 3020 one is not very detailed yet its ok. Raspberry Pi guide seems detailed and well done. There is also an Archlinux installation guide for ARM which I'm not sure if has something to do with the PirateBox at all but there you go...


and a video tutorial


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/22/2016 03:41AM by Deus.
Re: Documentation improvements (collecting thread)
November 22, 2016 06:55PM
I would suggest to add better link to the laptop documentation
* the first time, i just found the :mod page, that is ugly for a begginer...
* On the main menu, you have three sections: openwrt, rpi and laptop
* but the link laptop did not redirect to the right page, i think
* or maybe add a link in the "howto" submenu
* to this page: []
* to this page: []

Exactly: add a link on the menu howtos > installation directing to []

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/22/2016 06:56PM by Matthias.
Re: Documentation improvements (collecting thread)
December 19, 2016 07:30AM
You want to know that how to choose the best power supply for your ASR9100 certification.
Re: Documentation improvements (collecting thread)
February 08, 2017 11:14AM
How to shut down from a command line.
Re: Documentation improvements (collecting thread)
February 12, 2017 11:32AM
The documentation on openwrt:diy says: "You should wait 15-20 minutes for the installation to complete[...] Please do not try to visit during the installation process [...] this IP could interfere with the installation.". How can I determine that the installation is done? Just wait until I see the box via wifi or do the LEDs tell me something?

Nice project by the waysmiling smiley
Re: Documentation improvements (collecting thread)
February 20, 2017 08:48PM
Good point, technically: the LEDs need to stay steady (or close to) for a few seconds.
While the box is installing, the LEDs are flashing with some sort of rhythm winking smiley
Re: Documentation improvements (collecting thread)
February 27, 2017 08:02PM
Here some more things for the FAQ:
Re: Documentation improvements (collecting thread)
July 07, 2017 08:02AM
Bump, update:

RPi Mesh
Issue with RPi3 is fixed
Pi0 added
RPi fallback client wifi is in the mod section
Reworked the openwrt upgrade path and removed the old version to a separate page
Duckduckgo search with HTTPS
Removed laptop section in menu.
Re: Documentation improvements (collecting thread)
February 15, 2019 12:17PM
Hi there

I'm about to order a Zero W to build a PB but am a bit confused by the instructions:


It says "Once you have finished copying the Raspberry Pi(rate)Box image to your SD card, insert it into the Raspberry Pi and connect it via ethernet cable to your home router." but acknowledges the Zero W has no ethernet connection.

So what would I do at this step if I were using the Zero W?

Many thanks

Re: Documentation improvements (collecting thread)
February 25, 2019 07:34AM
good point, the recommended way is to use the "PirateBox Share Freely" SSID to connect to the 0W.

best regards Matthias