Raspberry Pi PirateBox over ethernet port

Posted by Pyropetepete 
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Can this be changed at all to run over the ethernet port?

I have the following

MIKROTIK Metal 2SHPn (RouterOS Level 4)


2.4GHz 15dBi Outdoor Omni-directional Antenna TL-ANT2415D


The ide ais i run the Mikrotik as an AP. I can set an IP but if the Pi can make an ip, DHCP for it then ideal.

I've had 5 miles so far withthe above setup as an AP.

I got a few 2TB drives kicking about, stick them both on the pi via SATA to USB and away you go

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/11/2013 06:43AM by Matthias.
Re: Raspberry Pi PirateBox over ethernet port
March 11, 2013 06:45AM
splitted the topic.

Yes it is possible.

Have a look PirateBox on RaspberryPI without Wifi here and test it.
Theoretical this should work. The piratebox configuration is designed to enable running in such contexts

Matthias Wrote:
> splitted the topic.
> Yes it is possible.
> Have a look PirateBox on RaspberryPI without Wifi
> here and test it.
> Theoretical this should work. The piratebox
> configuration is designed to enable running in
> such contexts
> Matthias

Hi Matthias,

I got worried when i could no longer see my comment. Thank you for splittling the topic.

I'm currently trying this as is on my pi via the TPlink wifi.

I will then try the ooption above


Re: Raspberry Pi PirateBox over ethernet port
March 12, 2013 07:06PM
Ok, let me know how it goes.

@splitting: yes, I try to tidy the things a bit up
Re: Raspberry Pi PirateBox over ethernet port
March 14, 2013 02:53PM
Matthias Wrote:
> Ok, let me know how it goes.
> @splitting: yes, I try to tidy the things a bit up

Nothing wrong with a good clean.

I hope to test tomorrow so will update then
Re: Raspberry Pi PirateBox over ethernet port
August 09, 2013 09:26AM
How did you get on with the setup. I am planning something similar but using a standard router for WiFi. This should give me much better range than the USB stick I am currently using.

When using an alternative device for the AP I assume you need to some how forward all requests from the AP to the Pi?
Re: Raspberry Pi PirateBox over ethernet port
August 09, 2013 10:54AM
Hi Dr_Frankenstein,
I tried to describe the setup a bit more: [piratebox.aod-rpg.de]

may help

Re: Raspberry Pi PirateBox over ethernet port
August 19, 2013 11:18PM
Ok thanks Matthias, My router arrived today its a DLink DIR-615 I have flashed it with DDWRT to make it nicer to deal with,

It looks like I need to start from scratch so will be making a go of it tomorrow.
Re: Raspberry Pi PirateBox over ethernet port
October 16, 2013 10:37PM
I'd like to know how you got on.

I've managed to find a DLink DIR-615 D2 and am busy collecting the tools I need. My idea is the same. Pi + router + battery. I shall report back with results.
Re: Raspberry Pi PirateBox over ethernet port
March 04, 2014 12:19AM
Got a few btomehubs and played with them instead. I made free home phones for people instead.

Sorry people. No progress.