Edit Files in Windows? And Shutting down?

Posted by securi-d 
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Edit Files in Windows? And Shutting down?
September 04, 2013 01:53PM
I was wondering if there is a way to add /delete files on the SD card via windows (not running in the Pi)? Sometimes its easier to work with files from a windows box. Also it can make it easier to the HTML files if your main box is Windows.

Also any clean way to shutdown? Maybe from the admin web interface?

Re: Edit Files in Windows? And Shutting down?
November 03, 2013 10:16PM

Also any clean way to shutdown? Maybe from the admin web interface?

To everyone still searc for a "clean shutdown" I found and use this:RaspberryPi shutdown button

Easy and works.

good luck
Re: Edit Files in Windows? And Shutting down?
November 04, 2013 07:33PM
Added it to my overview Page about RPi PirateBox