Hola. He estado intentado cambiar el mensaje del chat que sale cada vez que enciendes la piratebox. Chat and share files anonymously! ¿alguien sabe como hacerlo? Perdón por la brevedad, pero estoy en el curro Un saludoby bato - Spanish
Yo lo que he hecho es cambiar en el usb/Piratebox/Shared el header.txt y readme .txt por estos HEADER.TXT <head> <title>PirateBox - Comparte Libremente!</title> <script src="/content/js/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="/content/js/scripts.js"></script> <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0,by bato - Spanish
Now I would like to try installing luci But I write opkg update Opkg install luci Does not work and does not install In fact, there are very few files to install a greeting root@'s password: BusyBox v1.19.4 (2016-01-26 21:26:14 CET) built-in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commaby bato - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
With these 3 files I have already made it work. a greeting libsqlite2_2.8.17-2_ar71xx.ipk php5-mod-sqlite_5.4.5-3_ar71xx.ipk radvd_1.9.1-2_ar71xx.ipk And this to be able to access by ftp through ssh openssh-sftp-serverby bato - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
Finalmente lo he conseguido siguiendo las instrucciones de aquí y haciendo las instrucciones de un GLiNet Router Un saludoby bato - Spanish
Hello, I have a problem in the second reconnection Tells me that packages are missing to install piratebox Thank you very much root@OpenWrt:~# opkg install piratebox Installing piratebox (1.1.0-4) to root... Downloading . Collected errors: * satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for piratebox: * php5-mod-sqlite * radvd * * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot inby bato - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
I've finished. I followed the instructions here: https: //piratebox.cc/openwrt: diy # install_piratebox_11 I have treated it as if it were a GliNet Router with external antenna First I copied this firmware and I unzipped this file on a fat32 http: //stable.openwrt .piratebox.de / auto / install_piratebox.zip And then I followed the GLiNet instructions. And it has been very simple. To fby bato - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
is this normal?by bato - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
Buenas, estoy intentando convertir un router comprado en aliexpress el modelo GL-AR150 en una piratebox. De momento veo que lo puedo dejar con un openwrt limpio que hay en la web del fabricante. Pero no se como seguir. A ver si alguien puede echarme una mano. Un saludoby bato - Spanish
Today has finally arrived, it took a long time but I have it in my hands. So I see this router comes with the idea of doing projects because in its web has a lot of information and even have a clean version of openwrt ready to set you Unfortunately I am a rookie, and how much can I install clean openwrt, but then turn it into a PirateBox is too much for me. You know if you can install Piraby bato - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
Hello, you can piratebox work with this hardware? it has OpenWRT and AR9331 chipset as the TP-Link MR3020 Tnxby bato - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported