were the stop and remove commands successful? It sounds like lighttpd is starting by itself on startup before piratebox initializes it.by TheExpertNoob - PirateBox (General)
/opt/piratebox/www/favicon.icoby TheExpertNoob - PirateBox (General)
meduza Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Quick Google search gave me, hoop it's working > > Start > Run > cmd > type "diskpart" -> runs diskpart.exe from system > folder > type "list volume" -> now you see all your > connected drives, see which one is the drive > type "select volume #"by TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
yea. and as luck would have it, my sdcard got corrupt at some point. The read-only bit got triggered on the microsd and it will not reformat for anything. gana try and get an RMA on it.by TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
Hmm.. I wonder if we need to do this around piratebox installation. After init, before start. Language: PHP#The following commands is that the upload-daemon is running with the lighttpd user sed -i ';s|DROOPY_USE_USER="no"|DROOPY_USE_USER="yes"|g'; /opt/piratebox/conf/piratebox.conf /opt/piratebox/bin/install_piratebox.sh /opt/piratebox/conf/piratebox.conf part2 It might beby TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
meduza Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > @TheExpertNoob > In the Wiki I'm missing the 'sed -i 's|/dev/loop1|/dev/loop0|g' /usr/share/piratebox/piratebox.common' >before piratebox init. Because changing the loop didn't make any difference. in the error I got.by TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
Matthias Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > What do you mean with "Disk usage does not work"? Hehe, i figured that one out! did a df-h and Im using 0% of my 64Gb SDcard Final Verdict: It works, but with errors.by TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
Oh. I think I got this. Reboot after enabling piratebox and before installing addons(imageboard & minidlna). installing minidlna went off without any errors AFTER I rebooted. Full reset last time for today. Lighttpd theory: opkg install piratebox; piratebox starts(including lighttpd), but dies creating the loop because internet reloads from the network killing the connection getting theby TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
well i think wget was failing because I was doing the imageboard AFTER miniDLNA which would bring piratebox down. Which is why I swapped them in the wiki. Im testing it this way on this run. Edit to Imageboard step: I got that same error that minidlna got when I installed the imageboard about piratebox being able to unmount. Ending with "failed to connect to [] unable to create iby TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
I had issues with the -d ram switch installing e2fsprogs, so I omitted it and it seemed to work fine after that. Not sure if linking the libraries and paths would then need to be necessary. I understand why the -d ram switch because were only using this once to format the sd card. Ignore that. Probably a typo on my part. It worked this test go-around. So MiniDLNA: It seems changing the loop diby TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
Alright, im back home. Im going to do a full reset (even format my sd card as exFAT as most come shipped that way now) Test with the changes in the forum then update the wiki as I go. I'll report back. I did an 'opkg install minidlna' before and got those same errors. I'll try again. Also changed the wiki minidlna line. Disk usage was not showing a percentage for me. I'llby TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
I also believe Language: HTMLmkdir /usr/local/ ln -s /etc /usr/local/ ln -s /usr /usr/local/ wont be needed because we did this. Language: HTMLsed -i ';s|ext_linktarget="/usr/local"|ext_linktarget=""|g'; /etc/ext.config Also actually initializing extRoot after that step may actually fix minidlna. I'll test in about 8-9 hours from now when I'm back home.by TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
Everything seems to be working except minidlna and the storage usage percentage on the main page. I got the Imageboard running. BUT I just clicked on the kareha.pl link in the directory listing so I dont know if the last wget line actually works or not. Also a 1-liner for disabling the internet. I'm sleepy. I'll see what you have in the morning. EDIT: also just realized I never dby TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
Reworked Wiki. Testing now.... I'll report back.by TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
seems to be working again.by TheExpertNoob - PirateBox News and Events
Matthias, Is there a way to install Piratebox without extendRoot or at least the loops? As this method currently exists. We are creating our own /Overlayfs on sda (step 1) instead of the mmcblk0p3... and then creating a loop1 in which piratebox runs from inside of mounted to /opt/piratebox (piratebox_img im presuming). Ive downloaded the latest webserver and copied it manually to /opt/pirateboby TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
Hey meduza, we could probably just omit the entire vfat partition and make the entire sdcard ext4 on sda1 because this method doesn't really implement the vfat partition. Which means we have to change all instances of sda2 to sda1 in the scripts, such as Presetup in step 1.by TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
When I'm back home and not around these EAP wifi nodes: I am going to try and just extract the current Piratebox to /opt/piratebox and install, following the OLD OLD manual method(Readme.txt). I think the issues I was having before were because my wireless config was getting messed up from the Piratebox Scripts and I did not realize this before and couldn't reconnect back to the zsuby TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
hmm... after looking into this in detail, are the OpenWRT.img and OpenWRT_ext4.img just empty containers that piratebox is installed in? Why not just dump Piratebox.img into /dev/sda2/upper/opt/piratebox? Then make /dev/sda1 the /mnt/usb partition. Is it just how the piratebox script and configs are built? Can thumb drives be partitioned like sdcards? Im still new to the OpenWRT side of thingsby TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
I got through all the steps successfully. Im checking all the stuff out at the moment. Check the Wiki. OpenWRT:Zsun meduza Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > offtopic: how do i co-edit the wiki? Get Matthias to set up an account for you. Its done however. I guess its something in the latest Packages file was messed up. The Repository was online and itby TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
Soooooo close... Now this... Language: HTMLroot@OpenWrt:~# opkg -d ext install piratebox-mod-imageboard Installing piratebox-mod-imageboard (0.1.3-1) to ext... Downloading http://stable.openwrt.piratebox.de/all/packages/piratebox-mod-imageboard_0.1.3-1_all.ipk. Collected errors: * satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for piratebox-mod-imageboard: * libc * lby TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
stepped through step 3 manually and got this. Language: HTMLroot@OpenWrt:/mnt/sda1/zsun# ln -s /usr /mnt/ext/ ln: /mnt/ext/usr: File exists a few directories inside, otherwise empty; maybe remove it in the step 3 script? Language: HTMLrmdir /mnt/ext/usrby TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
symlinks are in the scripts but maybe I missed an error or something didn't stick?, which may be why lighttpd isnt starting when piratebox starts. Resetting for like the 6th time....Last time for today... I've also STARTED on the wiki page.by TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
End of step 2 calls for: Language: HTMLsource /etc/profile Is this needed? As I did it. Im getting a slew of errors while installing piratebox at the end of step 3. Is this normal? Language: HTMLgrep: /usr/lib/opkg/info/terminfo.control: No such file or directory cat: can';t open ';/usr/lib/opkg/info/terminfo.list';: No such file or directory Configuring libpthread. grep: /usr/lib/opkg/infby TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
Id love to! Lets get some bugs worked out first. Maybe a few more verifications from other zsun owners? I know user alu in IRC has been itching.by TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
Second Run Step 4: Language: HTMLroot@piratebox:~# /etc/init.d/piratebox init /etc/init.d/piratebox: Creating piratebox loop image... /etc/rc.common: line 144: losetup: not foundby TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
Language: HTML/etc/init.d/piratebox init /etc/init.d/piratebox: Creating piratebox loop image... uci: Parse error (EOF with unterminated ';) at line 25, byte 25 And this is where it goes to die. :-( Which is why we need a prebuilt (at least an ext image for sda2) that doesn't require some sort of station(internet) access for setup. I'm going for reset and try one more time.by TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
This is a good start. Found an issue however, The piratebox install script in step 3 changes the ssid of the station to "Piratebox - Share Freely" in the wireless config which is the reason for me being able to not connect after the firewall configuration. As it is trying to connect to a station called "Piratebox - Share Freely" with my stations psk password :-/ If it canby TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
step 1 script works just fine. step 2 script works just fine. need an 'opkg update' here step 3, loose connectivity as expected. However, it seems zsun also looses broadcast and I can no longer connect to it. I did end up changing my router to a GW of with a subnet of and not touching the network LAN IP on the zsun config.by TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
meduza Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > note: there is no need do set a manual ip Unless your Gateway or sta also has a Gateway IP of it conflicts with the LAN IP. DNS wont pass through and you have an IP conflict on a network.by TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported