Description Interested in alternative internets, private filesharing, free and open software/hardware? Come learn about pirate box and affiliate DIY technologies designed to enable communication and info share for all. We'll talk through some examples and anecdotal use-cases and then get to hacking on BYOD pirate boxes, brainstorming possible applications and future package additions. Joinby malev - PirateBox News and Events
Hello! This is what I want: I wanna be able to connect my piratebox (with whatevermod) to my router and share a little bit of my access to the internet with whoever is close to my AP. Do you guys something like that? Cheersby malev - Mods and Themes
Hello! It went really cool! My slides are here in case someone wants to take a lookby malev - PirateBox News and Events
Hello! I'm gonna be talking about PirateBox in Buenos Aires! The workshop is entitled "PirateBox, hands on" and it's going to be part of the MediaParty ( the 8/28/2014 from 1pm to 2:45pm at Ciudad Konex. I know there is people here who has given plenty of workshops and has been teaching about Piratebox for a long time. Any recommendations? This isby malev - PirateBox News and Events