staying awake

Posted by vanghard 
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staying awake
July 28, 2014 09:22AM
At first : a big thanks to you : that fork permit me to recycle an old and mostly inusable android tablet (arnova 9) to an welcomed piratebox,smiling smiley

As soon i will can i will go to an full (and maybe two) wrt piratebox, but i can already share drm free book like this.

for the moment i use the red eyes stay awake application for make my tablet staying awake .
But i prefer use an open source apk, do you know an apk who permit to force the stay awake of the cpu , even if the screen is turned of manually ?

( when i use stay awake options on piratebox it's stay fully awake : but it's a temporary "always on" : so screen off she use less battery)

i can use a console but ,i'm not a fan to manipulate myself the core of the system, an error can have really uhappy consequences...
Re: staying awake
July 28, 2014 03:09PM
Early PirateBox releases didn't have the option Keep Device On.
The option is only there because on some devices the tethering does not seem to take care of keeping the device on.
On most devices this option does not seem to be necessary.

Anyway, the current Keep Device On switch uses the standard PAW fuctionality which requests a WakeLock (PowerManager.SCREEN_DIM_WAKE_LOCK) and a WifiLock (WifiManager.WIFI_MODE_FULL).
We could change that...

The question is what is needed. Unfortunately I can't test that, because none of my devices needs the Keep Device On switch.
I'm not sure if a WifiLock is needed and if a PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK WakeLock would be sufficient.

What do you think?
Re: staying awake
August 01, 2014 07:30AM
Thanks ,
i will try,
(sorry for not responding i was quite occupied this time with the instal of an custom rom on a phone for having the possibility to modify the "CPU mode" when i use Piratebox)
Re: staying awake
October 21, 2014 02:04PM
i use Wake Lock application from the gstore.