music media player

Posted by peelie 
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music media player
September 08, 2014 03:20PM
hi i only noticed this recently - the media music mod, thanks it works great []

question any plans to do similar one for video files?

Re: music media player
September 08, 2014 05:45PM
The music player was just meant as a demo.
Currently I've no plans to do this for videos, but should work in a similar way as the music player.
Re: music media player
September 08, 2014 06:51PM
so it could be just a case of swapping out the audio commands for video commands? - note i have no experience in android api!
Re: music media player
September 08, 2014 08:02PM
Yes I think so, but I'm not totally sure. If I find some time, I'll have a look.