chromeos-apk and piratebox for android

Posted by peelie 
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chromeos-apk and piratebox for android
September 25, 2014 10:00PM

what would it take to adapt the piratbox for android so that it could work on chrome using chromeos-apk? []

i have packaged piratebox for android as chrome zip file using [] and progam launches but fails when switching on with
the dnsmasq wrapper returned an error. the piratebox may not work properly

getting this to work on a laptop using chrome would be great smiling smiley


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/25/2014 10:01PM by peelie.
Re: chromeos-apk and piratebox for android
September 27, 2014 05:51AM

seems like the dnsmasq backup was not created correctly.
You can check that by issuing the following command:

ls -l /system/bin/dnsmasq*

The following file should be listed:

If the file is not there you can try to create it manuallly:

cd /system/bin
cp -p dnsmasq dnsmasq.pb.backup
Re: chromeos-apk and piratebox for android
September 27, 2014 08:09AM
hi okay sorry where is this located in the chrome zip and/or piratebox apk? i have a osx system.

Re: chromeos-apk and piratebox for android
September 28, 2014 05:41AM

The APK does not include the dnsmasq command, it has to be provided by the system.
Chrome OS has to support Android WiFi tethering (which uses the dansmasq command).
I doubt that this will work ...
Re: chromeos-apk and piratebox for android
September 28, 2014 03:20PM
ah right i see dang, still on lookout for way to use piratebox with as low barrier as possiblee.g. avoid rooting your phone or buying a router. thought this might be it :/
Re: chromeos-apk and piratebox for android
September 28, 2014 03:38PM
Still a gold idea smiling smiley