Share files over WiFi - ShareBox

Posted by peelie 
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Share files over WiFi - ShareBox
October 28, 2014 11:27AM
a new sharing application - [], it does not require root and it serves audio and video files very nicely, i.e. client player can easily rewind/fast forward.

wonder if it would be possible to use such audio/video share features in piratebox?

Re: Share files over WiFi - ShareBox
November 02, 2014 07:47AM
I think you can simply start this app, while the piratebox-AP app is started, or while you are connected to a PirateBox network.
I assume this because of that line in the description of the linked app.

* May be used with wifi networks, own wifi hotspot and also on phone 3g connections.

does that answer the question?

Re: Share files over WiFi - ShareBox
November 03, 2014 12:59AM
hmm my post seemed to have disappeared? will try again

what's i'd like is to play audio/video files like you can in Share files over WiFi, the developer of the program said when i asked if he was using a script like joschi70 does with this mod []

Not using any script, just serving the media file to the browser.

so really a question for joschi70, what does developer mean?


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/03/2014 12:59AM by peelie.
Re: Share files over WiFi - ShareBox
November 03, 2014 04:25PM
had a quick look at the app.
Seems like it serves the selected files via some kind of web server. The developer might just store the selected files inside preferences (or somewhere else) and serve them via the server.

Similar thing could be done with PirateBox ... an app or an admin interface to specify the files and a dynamic page to serve them via the web server.
This is doable but surely involves some development effort ...
Re: Share files over WiFi - ShareBox
November 03, 2014 09:26PM
hi okay

what is the difference btw piratebox for android server and share files over wifi server? was not PB for android based on PAW server?

Re: Share files over WiFi - ShareBox
November 04, 2014 06:37AM
they both include a web server to share files. In the case of PirateBox this is PAW.
Serving files is not a problem with PirateBox. What is currently missing is to select what media to share from the Android device without having to put everything inside the PirateBox uploads directory.
Re: Share files over WiFi - ShareBox
November 04, 2014 11:56AM
right thanks. yes that feature would definitely be useful smiling smiley