android piratebox - connections questions

Posted by lostsys 
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android piratebox - connections questions
April 19, 2016 07:08PM
Attempting to set a piratebox on a tablet with android 4.4.2

Everything Seems fine - as in it tells me that the software is working.

However, attempting to connect with a phone/laptop/etc, i get the wifi widget of the devices attempting to connect, but never obtaining the ip..
Looked at the ip the app produces on the tablet..
Sometimes the ip line is empty. rebooting solves that.. Then i get a line of characters ending with wlan0.
(tried to put it but the forum bans the line..;-) )

The Access Point IP is set as:

Any hints??

I get this same exact thing on my Trio AXS table running 4.2.2

I have yet to resolve this.