Banner Page

Posted by Terry 
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Banner Page
August 15, 2014 12:13PM
Do you guyz allow the banner page to be modified?
I want to modify it because I would like to explicitly spell out some of the features that aren't exactly obvious like the DLNA server for one. In my particular bundak, people may not bother to start their client if they don't already know that content is being served. I would also like to add some of my own ideas along the lines of your "nuthin scary or illegal" spiel.

I would also be inclined to include a promotion for this project if you would ever sanction one.

I'm only resorting to starting a new topic because I didn't find any others when I searched "banner" in the forum. Maybe I should search another term. I'm not too familiar with the current terminology, I'm pretty old, I just thought I'd let you know.

Jupiter ACE
Re: Banner Page
August 17, 2014 10:43AM
Hey Terry,
you need WinSCP (or something like that). Connect to the box using username "root" and the password you entered while running "passwd".

Then you have to point to the folder

There you find index.html , which is the first page you enter, when connecting to your box.

Hope that helps,

This is only my signature.
Re: Banner Page
August 18, 2014 03:13PM
Hi and thanks for the response.
I think you misunderstood what I was asking about.
I was looking for a bit of blab about whether the project encourages changing the text of the splash msg or not.
I was also inquiring if the project has any "canned advertising copy" that I could be used on the banner page. I'm talking about a set of sentences that properly promote the project while remaining brief and informative.

I want to assure you that I wouldn't waste your time by asking you to recommend an HTML editor.

Jupiter ACE
Re: Banner Page
August 19, 2014 05:43PM
Hi Terry,
we encourage everybody to customize the box to the own needs. The only issue is, that it isn't that easy like only editing a file on the USB Stick. Additionally the difficutly varies much with the environment the PirateBox-Owner has.

Currently we have only this lines and no other "terms of use" for the visitor.

We would be happy, if somebody is able to write a good (optional) disclamer or a downloadable file for later reviewing the project, when you are back online.

Not sure, if that answers your question.


This is only my signature.