Changing Hostname

Posted by cogdog 
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Changing Hostname
August 27, 2014 07:05AM
I managed to change the hostname of my PB from piratebox.lan to storybox.lan The instructions on [] seem to be truncated (there is a FIX ME) label there.

These are my steps

(1) edit /opt/piratebox/conf/piratebox.conf and change the value for


(2) The comment there suggests changes need to be made to /opt/piratebox/bin/droopy and /opt/piratebox/conf/hosts but only the droopy file needed an edit- look for the line with pb_hostname (?? not remembering exact var name, it's somewhere in the forst 40 lines) specified as piratebox.lan to be same value as entered in (1)

(3) Edit /opt/piratebox/www/index.html the iframe code to reflect your new host

Language: HTML
<iframe width="100%" height="80" src=';http://piratebox.lan:8080';> Your browser does not support iframes.. If you want to upload something, follow this <a href=';http://piratebox.lan:8080';>Link</a>.

(4) Edit /opt/piratebox/www/redirect.html META refresh tag to reflect your new host name

Language: HTML
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=http://piratebox.lan/" />

(5) Reload network settings

/etc/init.d/network reload

that's all it took to customize my network name (no offense to pirates, but I am using mine for a storytelling project)
Re: Changing Hostname
February 08, 2015 05:33PM
Useful since not everyone finds a name like 'piratebox' particularly friendly.
Re: Changing Hostname
August 02, 2018 12:04PM
Iam using raspberry pi 0w and I have installed pirate box in that ,after the booting I have executed some steps after flashing ,everything works ,but when I came to change the ssid ,hostname ,I enter the commands which are given PirateBox official website ,after entering those commands,I tried to reboot,but the ssid and hostname didn’t change ,it remains as default,fix this problem