Adding 'Midnight Commander' - mc & 'Nano' to PirateBox 1.0.2 on a MR3040
January 10, 2015 09:01AM
GDay All

After a new install of PirateBox on my MR3040, the first thing I wanted to figure out
was to load two cli utilities I've allways used, that being Midnight Commander and

I know Nano gets a mention on these forum pages but not MC. After scraping these
forums and the Internet, below is what I came up with... smiling smiley

ssh into your MR3040, your prompt should be root@piratebox:~#

Make sure your little box can see the Internet by doing a < ping >.
The ping reply should originate from the Internet, not

Then type each line below, and wait till the prompt returns...

opkg update

opkg -d ext install nano

opkg -d ext install mc

ln -s /mnt/ext/etc/mc /etc/mc

touch /etc/mc/sfs.ini

mkdir -p /usr/lib/mc/extfs.d

mkdir -p /root/.mc/cedit

touch /root/.mc/cedit/Syntax

Now you need just once more to use vi.

vi /etc/profile

And insert the two lines below.

export TERMINFO=/mnt/ext/usr/share/terminfo
export TERM=xterm

Type reboot and keep your fingers crossed, it worked for me... smiling smiley

Regards from sunny ZA - FeK9 smiling smiley

Ps vi is for masochists
Re: Adding 'Midnight Commander' - mc & 'Nano' to PirateBox 1.0.2 on a MR3040
January 10, 2015 11:29AM
@FeK9 this looks great, thanks for sharing the howto.
Hi!! New in PirateBox & Linux...
I have my PirateBox up and running from Pi(rate)Box distribution... on my Pi... i get PIFM working, only with WAV files, so, in order to play MP3 files (/opt/piratebox/shared/Share) i need to install ffmpeg y sox but there is not apt-get confused smiley !!! Please help!!
Re: Adding 'Midnight Commander' - mc & 'Nano' to PirateBox 1.0.2 on a MR3040
July 16, 2016 09:19AM
apt is the debian side package manager, Pi(rate) is using pacman
sudo pacman -S package
is the install command like apt-get install
Re: Adding 'Midnight Commander' - mc & 'Nano' to PirateBox 1.0.2 on a MR3040
November 03, 2016 04:23PM
How did you get your pbx to not ping Whenever I try to ping, it always gives me results from sad smiley