Kareha Admin Tripcode
February 23, 2016 02:19PM
Good evening (or morning) all,

This has probably been covered, but for the life of me, I can't find any mention of it. I have just installed v1.0.7 onto a MR3020, and am configuring the Kareha board. I want to have a tripcode / passcode so that when I post in the forum, instead of "MonCapitan !KjgbjRVFJBY" (or something) it shows "MonCapitan ##Admin##", so that no-one can post claiming to be me. Please find below a copy of my board's config.pl (with sanitised fields).

Also, I have read that there is a "Special Admin Screen" to control and edit the board. I;ve looked up all the PirateBox and Kareha documentation I can find, but I can't see any info on how to access it. Could I be mistaken?

Thank you all in advance.

# Example config file.
# Uncomment and edit the options you want to specifically change from the
# default values. You must specify ADMIN_PASS and SECRET.

# System config
use constant ADMIN_PASS => 'adminpassduh'; # Admin password. For fucks's sake, change this.
use constant SECRET => 'secretpassduh'; # Cryptographic secret. CHANGE THIS to something totally random, and long.
#use constant CAPPED_TRIPS => ('!!example1'=>' capcode','!!example2'=>' <em>cap</em>'); # Admin tripcode hash, for startng threads when locked down, and similar. Format is '!trip'=>'capcode', where 'capcode' is what is shown instead of the trip. This can contain HTML, but keep it valid XHTML!

# Page look
use constant TITLE => 'WiFiLibrary board'; # Name of this image board
use constant SHOWTITLETXT => 1; # Show TITLE at top (1: yes 0: no)
use constant SHOWTITLEIMG => 1; # Show image at top (0: no, 1: single, 2: rotating)
use constant TITLEIMG => '/wifilibrary-logo-small.png'; # Title image (point to a script file if rotating)
#use constant THREADS_DISPLAYED => 10; # Number of threads on the front page
#use constant THREADS_LISTED => 40; # Number of threads in the thread list
#use constant REPLIES_PER_THREAD => 10; # Replies shown
#use constant S_ANONAME => 'Anonymous'; # Defines what to print if there is no text entered in the name field
#use constant DEFAULT_STYLE => 'Futaba'; # Default CSS style title
use constant FAVICON => '/favicon.ico'; # Path to the favicon for the board

# Limitations
use constant ALLOW_TEXT_THREADS => 1; # Allow users to create text threads
use constant ALLOW_TEXT_REPLIES => 1; # Allow users to make text replies
#use constant AUTOCLOSE_POSTS => 0; # Maximum number of posts before a thread closes. 0 to disable.
#use constant AUTOCLOSE_DAYS => 0; # Maximum number of days with no activity before a thread closes. 0 to disable.
#use constant AUTOCLOSE_SIZE => 0; # Maximum size of the thread HTML file in kilobytes before a thread closes. 0 to disable.
#use constant MAX_RES => 20; # Maximum topic bumps
#use constant MAX_THREADS => 0; # Maximum number of threads - set to 0 to disable
#use constant MAX_POSTS => 500; # Maximum number of posts - set to 0 to disable
#use constant MAX_MEGABYTES => 0; # Maximum size to use for all images in megabytes - set to 0 to disable
#use constant MAX_FIELD_LENGTH => 100; # Maximum number of characters in subject, name, and email
#use constant MAX_COMMENT_LENGTH => 8192; # Maximum number of characters in a comment
#use constant MAX_LINES_SHOWN => 15; # Max lines of a comment shown on the main page (0 = no limit)
#use constant ALLOW_ADMIN_EDIT => 0; # Allow editing of include files and spam.txt from admin.pl.
# Warning! This is a security risk, since include templates can run code! Only enable if you completely trust your moderators!

# Image posts
#use constant ALLOW_IMAGE_THREADS => 1; # Allow users to create image threads
#use constant ALLOW_IMAGE_REPLIES => 1; # Allow users to make image replies
#use constant IMAGE_REPLIES_PER_THREAD => 0; # Number of image replies per thread to show, set to 0 for no limit.
use constant MAX_KB => 10000; # Maximum upload size in KB
#use constant MAX_W => 200; # Images exceeding this width will be thumbnailed
#use constant MAX_H => 200; # Images exceeding this height will be thumbnailed
#use constant THUMBNAIL_SMALL => 1; # Thumbnail small images (1: yes, 0: no)
#use constant THUMBNAIL_QUALITY => 70; # Thumbnail JPEG quality
use constant ALLOW_UNKNOWN => 0; # Allow unknown filetypes (1: yes, 0: no)
use constant MUNGE_UNKNOWN => '.unknown'; # Munge unknown file type extensions with this. If you remove this, make sure your web server is locked down properly.
use constant FORBIDDEN_EXTENSIONS => ('php','php3','php4','phtml','shtml','cgi','pl','pm','py','r','exe','dll','scr','pif','asp','cfm','jsp','vbs'); # file extensions which are forbidden
use constant STUPID_THUMBNAILING => 1; # Bypass thumbnailing code and just use HTML to resize the image. STUPID, wastes bandwidth. (1: enable, 0: disable)
#use constant MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH => 16384; # Maximum width of image before rejecting
#use constant MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT => 16384; # Maximum height of image before rejecting
#use constant MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS => 50000000; # Maximum width*height of image before rejecting
#use constant CONVERT_COMMAND => 'convert'; # location of the ImageMagick convert command (usually just 'convert', but sometime a full path is needed)

# Captcha
#use constant ENABLE_CAPTCHA => 0; # Enable verification codes (0: disabled, 1: enabled)
#use constant CAPTCHA_HEIGHT => 18; # Approximate height of captcha image
#use constant CAPTCHA_SCRIBBLE => 0.2; # Scribbling factor
#use constant CAPTCHA_SCALING => 0.15; # Randomized scaling factor
#use constant CAPTCHA_ROTATION => 0.3; # Randomized rotation factor
#use constant CAPTCHA_SPACING => 2.5; # Letter spacing

# Tweaks
#use constant CHARSET => 'utf-8'; # Character set to use, typically "utf-8" or "shift_jis". Remember to set Apache to use the same character set for .html files! (AddCharset shift_jis html)
#use constant PROXY_CHECK => (); # Ports to scan for proxies - NOT IMPLEMENTED.
#use constant TRIM_METHOD => 0; # Which threads to trim (0: oldest - like futaba 1: least active - furthest back)
#use constant REQUIRE_THREAD_TITLE => 0; # Require a title for threads (0: no, 1: yes)
#use constant DATE_STYLE => 'futaba'; # Date style ('2ch', 'futaba', 'localtime, 'http')
use constant DISPLAY_ID => 'day'; # How to display user IDs (0 or '': don't display,
# 'day', 'thread', 'board' in any combination: make IDs change for each day, thread or board,
# 'mask': display masked IP address (similar IPs look similar, but are still encrypted)
# 'sage': don't display ID when user sages, 'link': don't display ID when the user fills out the link field,
# 'ip': display user's IP, 'host': display user's host)
#use constant EMAIL_ID => 'Heaven'; # Replace the ID with this string when the user uses an email. Set to '' to disable.
#use constant SILLY_ANONYMOUS => ''; # Make up silly names for anonymous people (same syntax as DISPLAY_ID)
#use constant FORCED_ANON => 0; # Force anonymous posting (0: no, 1: yes)
#use constant TRIPKEY => '!'; # This character is displayed before tripcodes
#use constant ALTERNATE_REDIRECT => 0; # Use alternate redirect method. (Javascript/meta-refresh instead of HTTP forwards.)
#use constant APPROX_LINE_LENGTH => 150; # Approximate line length used by reply abbreviation code to guess at the length of a reply.
#use constant COOKIE_PATH => 'root'; # Path argument for cookies ('root': cookies apply to all boards on the site, 'current': cookies apply only to this board, 'parent': cookies apply to all boards in the parent directory) - does NOT apply to the style cookie!
#use constant STYLE_COOKIE => 'wakabastyle'; # Cookie name for the style selector.
#use constant ENABLE_DELETION => 1; # Enable user deletion of posts. (0: no, 1: yes)
#use constant PAGE_GENERATION => 'paged'; # Page generation method ('single': just one page, 'paged': split into several pages like futaba, 'monthly': separate pages for each month)
#use constant DELETE_FIRST => 'remove'; # What to do when the first post is deleted ('keep': keep the thread, 'single': delete the thread if there is only one post, 'remove': delete the whole thread)
#use constant DEFAULT_MARKUP => 'waka'; # Default markup format ('none', 'waka', 'html', 'aa')
#use constant FUDGE_BLOCKQUOTES => 1; # Modify formatting for old stylesheets
#use constant USE_XHTML => 1; # Send pages as application/xhtml+xml to browsers that support this (0:no, 1:yes)
#use constant KEEP_MAINPAGE_NEWLINES => 0; # Don't strip whitespace from main page (needed for Google ads to work, 0:no, 1:yes)
#use constant SPAM_TRAP => 1; # Enable the spam trap (empty, hidden form fields that spam bots usually fill out) (0:no, 1:yes)

# Internal paths and files - might as well leave this alone.
#use constant RES_DIR => 'res/'; # Reply cache directory (needs to be writeable by the script)
#use constant CSS_DIR => 'css/'; # CSS file directory
#use constant IMG_DIR => 'src/'; # Image directory (needs to be writeable by the script)
#use constant THUMB_DIR => 'thumb/'; # Thumbnail directory (needs to be writeable by the script)
#use constant INCLUDE_DIR => 'include/'; # Include file directory
#use constant LOG_FILE => 'log.txt'; # Log file (stores delete passwords and IP addresses in encrypted form)
#use constant PAGE_EXT => '.html'; # Extension used for board pages after first
#use constant HTML_SELF => 'index.html'; # Name of main html file
#use constant HTML_BACKLOG => ''; # Name of backlog html file
#use constant RSS_FILE => ''; # RSS file. Set to '' to disable RSS support.
#use constant JS_FILE => 'kareha.js'; # Location of the js file
#use constant SPAM_FILES => ('spam.txt'); # Spam definition files, as a Perl list.
# Hints: * Set all boards to use the same file for easy updating.
# * Set up two files, one being the official list from
# [wakaba.c3.cx], and one your own additions.

# Admin script options
#use constant ADMIN_SHOWN_LINES => 5; # Number of post lines the admin script shows.
#use constant ADMIN_SHOWN_POSTS => 10; # Number of posts per thread the admin script shows.
#use constant ADMIN_MASK_IPS => 0; # Mask poster IP addresses in the admin script (0: no, 1: yes)
#use constant ADMIN_EDITABLE_FILES => (SPAM_FILES); # A Perl list of all files that can be edited from the admin script.
# Hints: * If you don't trust your moderators, don't let them edit templates!
# Templates can execute code on your server!
# * If you still want to allow editing of templates, use
# (SPAM_FILES,glob("include/*")) as a convenient shorthand.
#use constant ADMIN_BAN_FILE => '.htaccess'; # Name of the file to write bans to
#use constant ADMIN_BAN_TEMPLATE => "\n# Banned at <var scalar localtime> (<var \$reason>)\nDeny from <var \$ip>\n";
# Format of the ban entries, using the template syntax.

# Icons for filetypes - file extensions specified here will not be renamed, and will get icons
# (except for the built-in image formats). These example icons can be found in the extras/ directory.
use constant FILETYPES => (
# # Audio files
mp3 => 'icons/audio-mp3.png',
ogg => 'icons/audio-ogg.png',
aac => 'icons/audio-aac.png',
m4a => 'icons/audio-aac.png',
mpc => 'icons/audio-mpc.png',
mpp => 'icons/audio-mpp.png',
mod => 'icons/audio-mod.png',
it => 'icons/audio-it.png',
xm => 'icons/audio-xm.png',
fla => 'icons/audio-flac.png',
flac => 'icons/audio-flac.png',
sid => 'icons/audio-sid.png',
mo3 => 'icons/audio-mo3.png',
spc => 'icons/audio-spc.png',
nsf => 'icons/audio-nsf.png',
# Archive files
zip => 'icons/archive-zip.png',
rar => 'icons/archive-rar.png',
lzh => 'icons/archive-lzh.png',
lha => 'icons/archive-lzh.png',
gz => 'icons/archive-gz.png',
bz2 => 'icons/archive-bz2.png',
'7z' => 'icons/archive-7z.png',
# Other files
swf => 'icons/flash.png',
torrent => 'icons/torrent.png',
# To stop Wakaba from renaming image files, put their names in here like this:
# gif => '.',
# jpg => '.',
# png => '.',

# Allowed HTML tags and attributes. Sort of undocumented for now, but feel free to
# learn by example.
#use constant ALLOWED_HTML => (
# 'a'=>{args=>{'href'=>'url'},forced=>{'rel'=>'nofollow'}},
# 'b'=>{},'i'=>{},'u'=>{},'sub'=>{},'sup'=>{},
# 'em'=>{},'strong'=>{},
# 'ul'=>{},'ol'=>{},'li'=>{},'dl'=>{},'dt'=>{},'dd'=>{},
# 'p'=>{},'br'=>{empty=>1},'blockquote'=>{},

Re: Kareha Admin Tripcode
February 24, 2016 03:49PM
good question.
Never heard of a "Special Admin Screen" so far :-/

Saving your name: I would rather say, it is not covered by that simple software. mh.
Re: Kareha Admin Tripcode
February 26, 2016 11:29AM
I've been going through what I can find, and dedicated hours (and beers) to trying to figure this out.

From what I can see, this line is what I'm after:

#use constant CAPPED_TRIPS => ('!!example1'=>' capcode','!!example2'=>' <em>cap</em>'); # Admin tripcode hash, for startng threads when locked down, and similar. Format is '!trip'=>'capcode', where 'capcode' is what is shown instead of the trip. This can contain HTML, but keep it valid XHTML!

It seems if I and the right tripcode in the script, the board will show the 'capcode' instead of the trip. For example, if I enter "MonCapitan#banana" the board returns with "MonCapitan!5RRtZawAKg".

All-powerful logic indicates that if I add the line:

#use constant CAPPED_TRIPS => '!5RRtZawAKg'=>' ADMIN'

then enter the name "MonCapitan#banana" it *should* return with "MonCapitan ADMIN", but all experiments have failed, with the board returning the raw tripcode. I have tried putting the add-in line before and inside the brackets... Maybe it is a lost cause. But darn-it I'll keep trying!
Re: Kareha Admin Tripcode
February 26, 2016 11:41AM
OH MY GOSH! I'm such a dunce... You know when you can't find something, and as soon as you open your mouth to ask for help, you see it? That's what happened here...

There is a hash # at the start of the use constant CAPPED_TRIPS line. Once I saw that, it worked out.

Now the line reads:

use constant CAPPED_TRIPS => ('!5RRtZawAKg'=>' ADMIN','!!example1'=>' capcode','!!example2'=>' <em>cap</em>');

and when "MonCapitan#banana" is entered as the post name, the post output reads "MonCapitan ADMIN"

I would also like to point out that multiple "admins" can be setup in this way, just make sure that they all have commas in between (rewrite the 'examples' in the brackets!).

Eureka! Huzzah! I certainly hope my little SNAFU can be of benefit to someone out there...

And a big kudos to Matthias, for his patience is that of a saint!

Picture for triumphant resolution

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/26/2016 12:01PM by MonCapitan.
Re: Kareha Admin Tripcode
February 26, 2016 12:56PM
Very cool!
Thanks for documenting it here. Do you want to insert an article on our piratebox.cc-wiki?

Let me know, I would generate you an account.

Re: Kareha Admin Tripcode
February 26, 2016 01:14PM
Would love to, I'll get started on a more concise version. Please PM me the details.
Re: Kareha Admin Tripcode
February 27, 2016 12:28PM
you should get an email in the next minutes including your password.

It would be great, if you can create the page Generic-Mods-Customize_imageboard (linked).

Beside the steps some words for further explanation would be very cool!

Many thanks!

Best regards

This is only my signature.
Re: Kareha Admin Tripcode
February 28, 2016 06:59AM
Page is live. Please feel free to make edits and/or changes as required.
Re: Kareha Admin Tripcode
March 09, 2016 08:45PM
wow cool, many thanks!