Customisation of Interface / name / images
April 10, 2018 04:23PM
hi there

I was delighted to try the Piratebox - and with literally ZERO skills - even I made it to work!!!!!!
what a briliant idea!

I am writing here for a bit fo help in terms of customizing the interface - mainly the visuals

can someone help me as to how
(literally for me - i need instructions for daft people!)

to customise the
text / images of the interface?

i found the instructions on this page

but my skills are simply way underdeveloped to know how to change the theme.....

If that helps at all - I am on a PC

how can I change theme + images (colours / fonts etc)
make the files I need on a PC and then change them on the installed files?

am I right to think that
for the logo / main image
and the CSS
for the main page

I should change these two things, right?

my only issue (and I realise how stupid this sounds...)
can someone provide me with a bit of help, please?

how to I make new files?
what software do I need to make them
and how do I replace them safely on a working installation
many thanks
Re: Customisation of Interface / name / images
April 11, 2018 08:51PM
I am moving that to the mods and theming subforum...
Re: Customisation of Interface / name / images
December 05, 2018 03:14PM
April is a bit ago... sorry for the late answer,

in the folder /opt/piratebox/www you can see where all the subdirectories link to with "ls -l"

If you want to change the look of the piratebox the directory /opt/piratebox/share/content is your destination.
You may need to learn how the editor "nano" works.
Open the index.html with nano (nano index.html) and modify it by your needs. A bit of basic html and css understanding will help. save a file with ctrl-o and close nano with ctrl-x

You can change the translations of the text in the folder locales.
Change or add the pictures in the img folders.

Just a little hint: backup all files you edit in case you mess something up. Under Linux its "cp index.html index.html_backup" for example.

look what my piratebox looks like:
(running since 2 years non stop)
