Multiple SSIDs?
April 30, 2018 10:16PM
I had a thought, the biggest reason that people don't connect to a PirateBox is that they simply don't know it's there.

If we were to have multiple SSIDs set up with common WiFi names would make clients auto-join. A pleasant surprise for people?

Common names include linksys, netgear etc.. There's also more ethically questionable ones like Starbucks..

Re: Multiple SSIDs?
August 08, 2018 08:38PM
I agree, I have been looking for a way to change the SSID for it but have had no luck.
Re: Multiple SSIDs?
January 08, 2019 12:10AM
I would also like this but for a different reason, I want to do something similar to this screencap
Re: Multiple SSIDs?
January 12, 2019 06:40PM
Sounds funny, even though a bit like ‚ssid spamming‘