Being a complete newb to pretty much everything surrounding the piratebox, I've been messing around in Kareha over the last couple of days.
- It seems like the extras, mode_image, and mode_message are completely unnecessary for the board to function properly?
- The forum CSS and the admin CSS are completely separate. To modify the admin screen to match the rest of the board, you need to edit the CSS section under
- To remove the redundant wakaba/kareha links at the bottom of the forum, open shared>board>include>footer, delete the text and rebuild the cache in the admin panel.
- Adding and removing css is as easy as (re)moving css files into share>board>css, and then rebuilding the cache in the admin panel. If you want to have only a single css, you can remove all but the one you want then go into the and find #use constant DEFAULT_STYLE => 'Futaba';, remove the # and change 'Futaba' to whatever you named your CSS. Rebuild cache in admin panel when finished.
- Also, might want to post somewhere in the tutorials that there is an admin screen. I only stumbled upon that info from reading threads. This is fairly important, because the official documentation for Kareha says it doesn't have an admin section.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/24/2018 05:23PM by oldchan.