Nano Usb Adapter not working

Posted by Fatima 
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Nano Usb Adapter not working
February 19, 2016 05:43PM
i'm senior and i started learning raspberry pi 2 for my graduation project
i did the basic netwok setup using wierless home
but i must use usb adapter for my project so i make connection and plug usb adapter in raspberry pi but it's not shown any reaction
can any one tell me how make it lighting up so i can then install drivers and all stuff i need ?
sorry about my En
Re: Nano Usb Adapter not working
February 19, 2016 10:04PM
Need some more info such as:
OS your using
WiFi dongle make/model
Contents of:

PirateBox Installs:
2x Zsun's (both testing, one with serial interface)
A5-V11 (mostly for OpenWRT testing DIY)
2x RPi Zero's
(one active in car 24/7, gets a lot of hits at Walmart, movie theaters and the mall)
2x RPi3's (both home servers, one Ubuntu custom install along side a ton of other services)
1x RPi2 (currently work server)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/19/2016 10:05PM by TheExpertNoob.
Re: Nano Usb Adapter not working
February 19, 2016 10:31PM
os : Raspbian Wheezy
model :TL-WN725N
sorry i cant find the last 2 things you want
actullay i dont know how
Nano Usb Adapter not working
February 21, 2016 06:21PM
-- moved topic --
Re: Nano Usb Adapter not working
February 21, 2016 06:21PM
*moved to unsupported*, because it is not the official Piratebox-RPi-image.