Installing on a Raspberry Pi board

Posted by josephchrzempiec 
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Installing on a Raspberry Pi board
February 22, 2016 07:16AM
Hello Sense I'm kind of new to all this I really need help I have a raspberry Pi A+ board. I installed the image on a sd card and booted to it as well i can Putty into it over the network i have a Usb to Ethernet adapter which let me go over the local network and a Wireless linksys card that shows up when it boots. But here is my problem after login Either though the putty or local to the system i get to do sudo apt-get update and i get this error message.sudo: apt-get: command not found. I tried to follow this install guide [] and sense I'm not a linux guy i do not know what to do can someone please Help me out?
Re: Installing on a Raspberry Pi board
February 22, 2016 07:17AM
Not sure what else i can do I'm stuck can someone please help me out thank you.
Re: Installing on a Raspberry Pi board
February 22, 2016 11:55AM
the current RPi images are not based on a Debian distribution like Raspbian. Instead it is running the ARM version of Arch Linux. The equivalent to apt-get on Arch is pacman, so updating your system would be done like this:
pacman -Syu
Re: Installing on a Raspberry Pi board
February 22, 2016 04:40PM
Hello thank you. I tried to follow these steps and so lost on how to Configure my Raspberry pi to work with priatebox. I do not know what to do What are the steps to Get it up and running Because I'm looking at the Pi manual page and I get no where with it?
Re: Installing on a Raspberry Pi board
February 22, 2016 06:39PM
mh, you mixed up two different howtos.

We have a DIY howto, that refers to the prebuild images, which are the easiest way to install PirateBox on a RPi.
The other manual is the "manual" setup, which is for more custom made configurations, based on Raspbian.

hope that helps to clarify.

best regards

This is only my signature.
Re: Installing on a Raspberry Pi board
February 22, 2016 06:45PM
Thank you i will try this. I like this Project i think it has Great to offer and can do some awesome things. Will keep updating if any problems thank you. smiling smiley
Re: Installing on a Raspberry Pi board
February 22, 2016 06:49PM
You're welcome.
I also added a notice on the RPi-manual instruction, that might be less confusing for the future.

Thank you for your feedback. Let us know, if you have further problems.
Re: Installing on a Raspberry Pi board
February 22, 2016 07:46PM
Hello Raspbian “wheezy” is no longer available on there site it's not called RASPBIAN JESSIE is that okay?
Re: Installing on a Raspberry Pi board
February 23, 2016 01:00AM
Hello on the page Manual page i got to Edit network config file /etc/network/interfaces part and i do not know what to do next?
Re: Installing on a Raspberry Pi board
February 23, 2016 01:53AM
Hello just a update i went thought it and edit the network interface and i got

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

iface eth0 inet manual

#allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet manual
wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

#allow-hotplug wlan1
iface wlan1 inet manual
wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

so i saved it and i went though the list then i got to sudo /etc/init.d/piratebox start and this is what i got

[....] Starting script piratebox :
Generating hosts file ....
Generating dnsmasq.conf .....
Generating Environment-config for lighttpd .....
Empty tmp folder
rm: cannot remove ‘/opt/piratebox/tmp/’: Is a directory
Copy over design files
[ ok ] Starting hostap... :.
[....] Setting up wlan:Bringing up wifi interface wlan0
wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device
[FAIL] failed setting up Interface ... failed!
Re: Installing on a Raspberry Pi board
February 24, 2016 12:58AM
Hello it looks like i finally got it up running it was a problem that was not related to installing it. From my last post it was a lan network problem when trying to start up.