Easy way to protect any page with password

Posted by jmac928 
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Easy way to protect any page with password
June 09, 2013 06:24AM
In this page i found a nice script to protect any page with a password ..

Can be protected the the upload process with uploading page..

password script

The unfavorable only thing is that the password is in the url ... but it could mask ... anyone know how to do it .....?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/09/2013 06:29AM by jmac928.
Re: Easy way to protect any page with password
June 25, 2013 01:23PM
Pirate box needs to be easy to use, a pop-up may be blocked by client browser first so client may never be able to upload anything.

Pirate box needs to "share freely" so I think people must share rapidly and anonymously less than 1 minute any content (legal or not).

You must be careful and bin undesirable file, no need to secure upload.
Re: Easy way to protect any page with password
June 25, 2013 05:30PM
There are some uses of piratebox that you dont want any person upload files, just you or any person that has the password , that the case of librarybox, if you install a stationary library box on a school you may want to upload files without the need of turning off the box and unplug the usb, just upload the file with your password that's it
I already has 3 boxes working with password on the uploading , and work perfect. i just want to publish books for a library no more .
Re: Easy way to protect any page with password
July 19, 2013 01:19PM
The password script explained


The password script testing site!


Password protection comparison


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/19/2013 01:29PM by jmac928.