Re: Zsun OpenWRT
January 24, 2018 11:10AM
Hi TheExpertNoob,

Thanks for the information and all your other posts. They've been very helpful to me!

I'll keep an eye out for an ssl-free host.

That makes sense that the chatbox superseded the IRC. I'd only just recently started looking at IRC because of this project's IRC and a couple others. I wasn't certain which form of communication was supposed to be superior. I did kind of get the IRC to work by removing the --setuid part but then the script couldn't correctly log its PID for some reason so it couldn't kill it. However, this is moot since it's depreciated.

I find the LuCi web interface usable but if there're better options I'm open to suggestions. Do you use an alternative GUI or simply control it through ssh? I'm lazy so I prefer clicking to typing =P.

That's interesting that phpGallery runs out of memory. I've been looking for a way to catalogue crafting supplies and examples. Initially I thought to use a wiki but I wanted the search results to be images not words. I then looked at photo/file managers like Lychee, Piwigo, Coppermine Photo Gallery, Nextcloud, etc (and noticed phpGallery along the way) but none of these ran well (either slow or refused to work for one reason or another). Finally I remembered the Danbooru style image boards. Shimmie2 was easy to install and has a lot of features but is quite slow to load. I saw Gelbooru claim to be faster than Shimmie and indeed it is! Gelbooru v0.1.11 was more difficult to get running that Shimmie2 and doesn't have as many features (like a tag map or wiki) but it's speed is worth it. I currently have 54 images in the 20 - 60 kB region and it seems happy. I'll just have to see how well it handles more images (I have a collection of 7216 to sort through sad smiley).

From the different software I tested, some could upload and change content but others couldn't. I thought it was because I couldn't change the permission in the /opt/piratebox/shared/ directory but I'm not sure. Some things like Gelbooru that say they need the permissions set worked fine. I tried placing the ones that didn't work (such as TiddlyWiki) in the /overlay/ directory with chown nobody:nogroup but they still wouldn't work (even with chmod 777). Do you have any ideas why the different software would react differently to the permissions?


EDIT: I forgot to mention my range issue. I initially thought the antenna wasn't soldered properly but that wasn't it. Any further than ~ 30 cm and things don't load and then > 100 cm I get disconnected and can't reconnect. I checked the signal strength and that seems fine (~ -60 dBm). I think the noise level must be high possibly due to faulty / damaged components. I managed to set it up so that I can connect to it through my main network and it's powered by the AP that it's connected to. The only problem with this was having to set the hostname manually for the client devices (which doesn't seem possible for a non-jailbroken iPad).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/24/2018 11:26AM by zelmon64.
Re: Zsun OpenWRT
January 24, 2018 04:08PM
in fact, IRC is not an deprecated feature, I only made a mistake in the init.d script :-(
And the shoutbox was available before I added the IRC server. The IRC server can be helpful if you like to have a better chat client/"private" conversations etc.
Re: Zsun OpenWRT
January 25, 2018 09:03PM
Hi Matthias,

Thanks for the info on IRC (and for all your work of course). I had a bit of a fiddle and I think I got it to work correctly. Here's what I've changed the IRC section of piratebox_alt to. Does it seem okay?

#Start IRC Server
       if [ "$ENABLE_IRC_SERVER" = "yes" ] ; then
           . $CONF_IRC
           IRC_PARMS="--setuid $IRC_USER --motd $IRC_MOTD "

           if [ ! -z "$IRC_STATE_DIR" ] ; then
                IRC_PARMS=" $IRC_PARMS --statedir  '$IRC_STATE_DIR' "
           echo  "Starting Miniircd..."
           start-stop-daemon -m -S -b -p $PIDFILE_IRC -x $PIRATEBOX/bin/ -- $IRC_PARMS
           echo $?
Re: Zsun OpenWRT
January 26, 2018 04:21AM
Thank you for the kind words and Sharing the fix.

I solved the issue slightly different, which you can review at Github.

I can’t remember the exact error message anymore, which I should add to the commit in then future, but your solution will work in your case if miniircd is starting ;-)

Best regards Matthias
Re: Zsun Piratebox
June 06, 2019 06:44AM
I'm looking for a working tutorial to get Piratebox on my Zsun Router.

Unluckily this tutorial isn't working anymore: []

Several errors appear like:

- opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package dosfstools
- wget: can't execute 'openssl': No such file or directory

I tried to install dosfstools manually, I also tried to install all the ipks manually. I had no success.

Would it be possible to fix the ZSUN tutorial?