Increasing the space in the CONTENTS folder
November 27, 2015 05:27AM
Hi, I am a PB... I felt that the space allocated to the Contents folder in /opt/www/contents is small. Increasing the allocated space will increase the bin or the install download for PB. Nevertheless, we would like to space to be increased to 50-100 MB. Can we create a variable which can set this space as needed by the user or do we have to create .bin/install file for such a scenario?

Library box solves this problem by creating a simlink to /mnt/usb/Contents, which allows for as much space as available. The drawback is that this exposes the contents of the folder and can be accessed directly on the USB or FTP. Please suggest. - regards AG
Re: Increasing the space in the CONTENTS folder
November 28, 2015 09:35AM
you mean, you want to have more space in /opt/piratebox/www ?
You can use a symlink to the USB stick on PirateBox, too..


This is only my signature.
Re: Increasing the space in the CONTENTS folder
November 28, 2015 05:47PM

True... one can create a simlink to the /mnt/usb....but then the contents of www folder becomes accessible too.... by keeping it in the /opt/piratebox/www folder one cannot access it by pluging the usb on the laptop... i need to keep some 50 MB files in the www folder (not accessible unless via ssh ... root login)

Please suggest.
Re: Increasing the space in the CONTENTS folder
December 04, 2015 07:40PM
Why not use links from www to the usb stick for the larger files or folder?

opt/piratebox/www/videos --> /mnt/usb/PirateBox/videos
