repeat wifi signal with external router

Posted by uwe 
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repeat wifi signal with external router
June 01, 2014 01:34PM
dear all, matthias,

i'd like to repeat and strenghten the pi-rateboxes wifi signal through an external router in order to make it available for the neighborhood. i have found out about WDS wlan repeating, where both ends need to know the mac address of the other, and have managed to configure the external router accordingly; but now i'm kind of stuck. how should i configure the pi-ratebox and define the repeaters mac address there without damaging the piratebox functionality?

thanks! (thanks for the whole project as well)

Re: repeat wifi signal with external router
June 02, 2014 06:18AM
Hi Uwe,
it seems you need to add this line to /opt/piratebox/conf/hostapd.conf

I don't promise anything, because you aren't finding much about that in the internetz...
According to the configfile man page and some other sources, that should be the right flag.
