Really don't get how to set up the USB

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Really don't get how to set up the USB
July 05, 2014 11:18AM
Hey guys
I'm a massive amateur at anything to do with computers and managed to set up the piratebox but I want to be able to load all files on my 8GB usb and be able to edit what is on there by putting it in my computer after.

Can I even do this? If so how?

Thanks in advance
Re: Really don't get how to set up the USB
July 05, 2014 03:17PM
i cant even mount the usb cos i have no idea how or where to mount it to
Re: Really don't get how to set up the USB
July 06, 2014 06:35PM
Basically, you'll have to:
1. Plug in the USB device
2. Wait a few seconds
3. Enter the command
And see if your device is listed, if yes, go to 4, if no...well, that's another problem
4. Enter the command
dmesg | tail
And find the device name associated with the usb (something like /dev/sda1)
5. Mount it using (something like)
mkdir /mnt/usb
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb

You might have to change the syntax on any of those commands, or google "how to mount usb flash on arch linux" or alike

Good luck! ;-)
How can I connect a usb flash drive and use my 16gb sd card (os sd card) for the piratebox file sharing instead? Because I would need to expand the file system before I do that right? And I don't even know how to cd to the flash drive and cope the directory anyways.
copy* the directory
Re: Really don't get how to set up the USB
July 10, 2014 09:00PM
I don't quite get what you want to achieve - You want to connect a USB flash drive but not use it for the shared files?
It isn't used (at least if you don't plug it in at install time) afaik...
I've set up several instances of Raspian to boot off of the SD but run EVERYTHING after boot, including the OS, off of a USB drive. If I figure it out with Arch I'll post it.

IMHO, that's the way to go, not just move the file sharing directories. A lot of people don't seem to realize it, but even USB 2.0 is quite a bit faster than accessing the SD, if you have a USB drive it just makes no sense NOT to run the OS off of it, you'll notice the difference in speed. Also, USB drives are in general designed more robustly, they are less likely to get corrupted files if there's a power problem or something.

Unfortunately, the last time I checked there was a bug in Raspian that made it impossible to reliably boot off of a certain USB drive IF there was more than one USB drive attached. Not a problem with just one, though. In one instance we worked through it by using the GPIO to turn power on to the second drive... maybe it's fixed in the OS now.
Re: Really don't get how to set up the USB
January 07, 2015 11:45AM
I use berryboot which allows me to install on an ext hdd, but not sure if this image is a sqaushfs which is what berryboot uses. Does anyone know if piratebox is compatable?
I have started a new thread called berryboot.