Files gets removed after reboot

Posted by Nekros 
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Files gets removed after reboot
October 04, 2014 11:15AM
after I have uploaded files and restarting the pirate box the files just disappear as if they would be tmp files. so my question is how do I make them be save permanently? (raspberry pi b+ raspbian)
Re: Files gets removed after reboot
October 04, 2014 02:36PM
Hi Nekros,
I'm wondering about that.
How did you setup your raspbian-PirateBox ?

during a startup the following types of files will be deleted:

1. Starting with tmp
2. Files with filesize 0 Bytes

regards Matthias

This is only my signature.
Re: Files gets removed after reboot
October 04, 2014 03:08PM
i just followed this guide: []
and then linked /opt/piratebox/share/Shared whit my usb
but yeah all the files i upload starts whit tmp!
Re: Files gets removed after reboot
October 04, 2014 03:48PM
Was the filename tmp.... on purpose or does it resolve like this and it is not wanted?
There is currently a bug in iOS 8.0 about unfinished file uploads, that would result on PirateBox in tmp.... filenames.
Re: Files gets removed after reboot
October 04, 2014 04:23PM
(im using android v4.4.4)
when i upload a file for example called "Free.mp3" the name changes to: "tmp_3698-Free-231135750.mp3"

did a test whit my laptop and it worked it diden't rename it, and the file is still there after the reboot! seems to be a bug with android as well then?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/04/2014 04:58PM by Nekros.
Re: Files gets removed after reboot
October 04, 2014 05:23PM
It seems that it is a bug from upload out of an android device.
The file is renames from tmp... to the original filename after everything is uploaded.