Pi Vessel on the Raspberry

Posted by JackieJack 
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Pi Vessel on the Raspberry
October 08, 2014 01:46PM
Hi! Pi Vessel is a new project based on the Raspberry platform.

This device is a small entry-level computer or an entertainment computer for people who don't want a lot of hassle to get up and running fast. It's great for kids or for people who want to watch TV and movies without a long setup time, downloading software, putting together a console, reading instructions, or fussing about with complex cables and gadgets. The Pi Vessel is simple, affordable, and kid proof.

All information about this device is on Kickstarter.
Re: Pi Vessel on the Raspberry
October 08, 2014 02:41PM
Interesting project, but why is it "Made in Germany" while the company is an american company and I only see eastern-europe names as team members?

Re: Pi Vessel on the Raspberry
October 10, 2014 11:25PM
American company, produced in Germany, debelopers from eastern Europe.