Android device make stop wifi

Posted by volvox 
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Android device make stop wifi
November 01, 2014 07:52PM
Hi! I'm new here,

I just finished to set up a RaspberryPiratebox. Every thing works fine, thank you for all the good howto! And the installation is much easier than with the previous version (I have the older version on the tl mr3020).

When I tested it a bit more with my android device (galaxy s4) and the default internet app, the wifi crashes (Alfa AWUS036NH - the light stop blinking) and stops working. Interesting thing is that when I try from the same device but with firefox app, it works well...

Did some one have same problem?
Re: Android device make stop wifi
November 02, 2014 07:44AM
never heard of that.

Sounds strange, can you provide some logs from the point that happend?

This is only my signature.
Re: Android device make stop wifi
November 02, 2014 08:19AM
Hi, thank you for your quick reply.
I figured out what happened, the problem was sitting on my chair... I was a bit tired yesterday and connected the wifi card directly to the raspberry. Since I connected it to a powered hub (pihub) it works like a charm.
You can delete this nonsense topic.
Re: Android device make stop wifi
November 02, 2014 03:06PM
No worries.. I'm glad it is working now smiling smiley

Have fun with your box!
