Temporary Client mode issues

Posted by Warmango 
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Temporary Client mode issues
April 07, 2018 02:57AM
So heres where im stuck,
I am trying to connect to unsecured wifi (my home). the only reason why its unsecured is because the Elder of the house has a caption call, and password screws with it.

heres my network config

I have no clue what im doing wrong as there is nothing online about this, anywhere from my understanding,
Re: Temporary Client mode issues
April 11, 2018 08:48PM
phew, ok. This is something we never had thought of.

I think, that you approach may need a way more hacking to get it working.

1) Bootup the PirateBox-AP as usual.
2) Connect via SSH
3) Create the following file '/etc/netctl/wlan0_client' ( sudo vi /etc/netctl/wlan0_client ) and add the following content to it
Description='A simple wireless connection'




4) Create another script "/opt/piratebox/rpi/bin/do_switch_client_mode_netctl.sh" to help you switching in client mode
# Wrapper script for the steps to enable wifi client

systemctl stop piratebox

if netctl restart wlan0_client ; then
    echo "Started Wifi client sucessfully!"
    exit 0
    echo "Error while starting wifi client, restarting piratebox"
    systemctl start piratebox
    exit 1
exit 1

5) Run the command
sudo chmod u+x  /opt/piratebox/rpi/bin/do_switch_client_mode_netctl.sh

6) After this run the command "sync" (to make sure the changes are written to the SDCard.

7) Then you can try to enable the new wlan0 profile with
sudo /opt/piratebox/rpi/bin/do_switch_client_mode_netctl.sh

I hope that helps,
best regards Matthias
That works like a charm...

Sadly, my mother decided to add security to our home wifi while i was at schoool, so now it uses WPA2,

How do i get it to work?
Re: Temporary Client mode issues
April 15, 2018 12:22AM
Okay, so i have it connected to my home wifi, but now im trying to get it connected to the internet. It wont,

Its LAN IP is
but it thinks its still and trys to use that, how do i fix this?
Re: Temporary Client mode issues
April 19, 2018 06:23AM
Warmango Wrote:
> Okay, so i have it connected to my home wifi, but
> now im trying to get it connected to the internet.
> It wont,
> Its LAN IP is
> but it thinks its still and trys to
> use that, how do i fix this?

Sorry, I don't get this. What do you mean with "it still thinks it is". Did you fix/change /etc/resolv.conf to your home's DNS server or Googles ( ?

best regards Matthias