Ill be the first to admit I'm not a programmer nor have I ever used Linux in any real degree. After looking around and finding pirate box I decided to use it. I've gotten quite far but hit a wall a while back and now this is my last resort.
I've installed the ISO file in my Raspberry Pi zero W
Installed all of the default commands in the Piratebox window using putty
and I've mounted a USB using a command to assure that Piratebox waits and loads from the USB (cant find the command I used)
I would like to mount a external hard drive in place of the USB so I can load a large amount of files for sharing and collaborating on. I've learned that you need to use FAT32,ext2,ext3 or ext4 and I grabbed a program and formatted my hard drive as ext2 but after connecting it and running a clean ISO install on the Raspberry Pi I cant get the hard drive to mount.
If anyone has the command or any useful information I would be ecstatic to hear from you.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/24/2019 06:05PM by mpb0987654321.