INFO: Raspberry PIratebox w/ Edimax EW-7811cus Wifi Adapter

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INFO: Raspberry PIratebox w/ Edimax EW-7811cus Wifi Adapter
February 05, 2013 09:06PM
After getting mine today, I discovered that to get the Edimax EW-7811cus to work with PB on Raspberry Pi, there are a few things you need to do to get hostapd to work with it. The info wasn't readily available with a Google search, so I figured posting here was a good way to let folks know and maybe get some wikis and webpages updated.

The adapter uses the Realtek RTL8188CUS, so you will need to build a special hostapd from the files at Realtek's website.

RealTek Downloads

NOTE: The javascript may give you a hassle downloading it. I have also made it available on my public dropbox:


Follow the directions in this forum post and it will work like a charm. I have tested it and have had no problems.

Raspberry Pi: wireless AP with hostapd and realtek chipset (works)
Shout out to Mr. Darts, Matthias, and the community here!

Been fumbling for a coule days and now have PirateBox running on RaspberryPi with edimax nano wifi.

I jumped on the rPi for raspxbmc/openelc and enjoyed that. Struggling with getting PirateBox stuffed into the rPi has been a rewarding learning experience. I support the pirate concept for free exchange of ideas and creativity, but I wanted to use the device more like LibraryBox (less pirate and more share). I renamed all references to Info across all sources and changed the logo to a happy "i" (for info). Now I have an "infoBox", but all credits still point to PirateBox.

Biggest challenge: edimax hostapd configuration with the realtek drivers. If I could explain how I got it to work, I would share it here (sorry). Mostly I follwoed the above tutorial and links.

Thanks for continuing to support and drive this effort. This is great fun!
There is a pre-built binary for hostadp for the edimax USB adapters here: []