Translate "piratebox.lan" from eth0

Posted by Panos 
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Translate "piratebox.lan" from eth0
November 23, 2013 09:20PM
I connected the PB to a mesh network and i have problem with droopy. or any link calling piratebox.lan.

I can not figure out how to resolve it with dnsmasq and piratebox.conf (i tried the adress=/piratebox.lan/127.0.01 with no luck).

any help?

Re: Translate "piratebox.lan" from eth0
November 23, 2013 11:07PM
Hi Panos,
if you want to resolve piratebox.lan on you mesh network, it strongly is depended to the configuration of your mesh network.
Th dns server providing your DNS Service in mesh must have included the eth0-interface IP to its cache with piratebox.lan (simple entry in /etc/hosts is enough, if you run dnsmasq only).

The PirateBox-itself is relative helpless in this case.

What you can do is, that you fiddle around with javascript, which includes the hostname of the addressbar of the browser to the iframe "calling" droopy's upload page.
That may work, but I can't write any useful line JavaScript ;/

Translate "piratebox.lan" from eth0
December 07, 2013 10:27AM
Thanks, it was really simple,

just change in /www/index.html where the code says "piratebox.lan:8080" to "" (my static eth0 ip), in two places. Now droopy works both on wifi and eth0.


Edited: not, alas.. Not on wifi.. Actually i was looking the saved page... sad smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/07/2013 09:27PM by Panos.