Gl-inet ar 150
February 23, 2018 11:15AM
Please guys I want to order four of this devices, I am aware it supports pirate box but I would want the wan port of this device to allow internet traffic to flow to my pirate box clients. So I plug internet cable through my wan and pirate box and my client connects
Re: Gl-inet ar 150
February 23, 2018 01:09PM
Either PirateBox or Route Wifi traffic.
With a working internet forwarding, the "redirect all" feature of PirateBox will not be working. We also have several work-arounds active, which are in conflict with normal internet routing.

You can play around with the that command [] , but at the end PirateBox will not forward needed DNS requests from wifi clients.
Re: Gl-inet ar 150
February 23, 2018 03:34PM
Thanks I also have a local server that serves a website I want pirate box and the local server to work together. I don't mind pirate box not redirecting.
Re: Gl-inet ar 150
February 23, 2018 08:20PM
Then, you need to change the dnsmasq configuration of piratebox.

1. Edit /opt/piratebox/conf/dnsmasq_default.conf
2. remove the lines
#dont use resolv.conf
#dont recheck resolv.conf for changes
3. add
resolv-file /tmp/
( is written by the WAN connection).

After that run

/etc/init.d/piratebox restart

Now, it sould work like a normal router with DNS.
Let me know if that works out. I wrote this on top of my head (and source).. If that works, I'll add a note on about that.

best regards Matthias
Re: Gl-inet ar 150
February 23, 2018 09:46PM
Can I be able to add hostnames in host file of pirate box. Or it won't work a static IP to my name.lan
Re: Gl-inet ar 150
February 24, 2018 05:48AM
The hostname configured in piratebox.conf is automatically generated as a static hostname.
You can add additional static hostnames with adding them into /opt/piratebox/conf/hosts

The syntax is

The changes are activated after restarting piratebox.

best regards Matthias
Re: Gl-inet ar 150
February 24, 2018 10:14PM
I know of the feature connected client , but is it possible to collate info of all the user that connected over a period, let say over a week.