SOLVED [Unable to Restore Bricked MR3020 using serial]
February 24, 2018 03:23AM
I'm having problems resurrecting my two (2) dead MR3020 routers using serial (usb-uart). I recently bought a usb-uart (CH340 type) to try to repair my bricked routers and follow the instructions on this site []. The problem is that on my putty screen it does not display the same contents as on the instructions but like webdings or distorted texts []. And this is the CH340 serial that I purchased []
[]. The CH340 type that I purchased has no switch for changing from 5V to 3.3V. Could this be the problem? Hopefully you could help me with this. Thank you in advance.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/20/2018 03:39AM by sniper_eyes.
Re: Unable to Restore Bricked MR3020 using serial
February 24, 2018 05:53AM
The adapter looks ok to me.

Are your settings for the connection correct?


The right settings for accessing the serial console are as follows:

Bits per second: 115200
Data bits: 8
Stop bits: 1
Parity: None
Flow control: None

If that does not work, try to power your mr3020 from your computer / or not.
Check that GND wire is working correctly.

That would be my next steps.

best regards Matthias
Re: Unable to Restore Bricked MR3020 using serial
February 24, 2018 06:15AM
Thank you Sir Matthias for your response. I tried to check the connection settings as per your instruction and it seems okay []. I purchased three (3) of these usb-uart adapters, hooked one on each of my bricked MR3020 routers, both of them shown the same response on the serial interface (sort of webdings text, distorted). Maybe there is a problem with my power connection relative to the adpaters inability to switch to 3.3V? But why am I still getting a response though. What could seem to be the problem?

Thank you and regards,

Re: Unable to Restore Bricked MR3020 using serial
February 24, 2018 07:19AM

I tried to quickly type tpl in the serial interface when I plugged in the power and tried to type the commands in the tutorial even though I couldn't see the text in a normal way. I've managed to stopped the router from rebooting and observed a lan connection and I can see the wireless name of the router. The only problem is that I cannot access the router's IP address which I've set to How can I solve this? I cannot also connect to the wifi because of a password.

Thank you in advance.




I've solved the above problem by setting first a static IP and then a default gateway of to access the router's homepage. After logging in with the default username and password I found out that the setting for DHCP was disabled that is why the router couldn't assign IP addresses. Enabling this in the setting solved the above problem. Anyways thank you so much Sir Matthias for your abrupt response on this matter.



Resurrected MR3020s

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/24/2018 10:41AM by sniper_eyes.