TP-Link MR3020 -Changing flash drive.
April 03, 2012 11:37AM
I have successfully installed the Piratebox on MR3020. I initially setup the device with a 4GB flash drive. Now I want to switch to a 16GB

At first I did the last step of installing the piratebox listed below

$cd /tmp
/tmp$ wget []
/tmp$ opkg update && opkg install piratebox*

I looked at the 4gb drive, and found the piratebox folder I assume the command above made these folders. So I reran that command with the new 16GB drive. However the piratebox does not load. 16gb was formatted in Fat32 as instructed.

My question is How do I upgrade the drive from the original setup to a new Drive?

Re: TP-Link MR3020 -Changing flash drive.
April 03, 2012 12:08PM
If you want to share your flash drive, just copy the whole content of your old flash drive and paste it to the new one.
No need to run commands ;-)

Re: TP-Link MR3020 -Changing flash drive.
April 03, 2012 01:33PM
Seriously? is it just that easy? I feel a little stupid now lol. >grinning smiley<

Will the system recognize the new drive? when I plugged the new empty drive in last night, The ssid didnt broadcast. it was only until I put the 4GB back it that everything worked fine...

I will give it a go tonight.
Re: TP-Link MR3020 -Changing flash drive.
April 03, 2012 01:42PM
Yes it should be.
Before exchanging the drives, power of your router, swap the files, plugin the new drive, power on
Re: TP-Link MR3020 -Changing flash drive.
April 03, 2012 01:49PM
Ok tx, I will report back later.
Re: TP-Link MR3020 -Changing flash drive.
April 03, 2012 05:22PM
While we are still on the subject of drives, Can I add a usbhub and add multiple thumb drives?
Re: TP-Link MR3020 -Changing flash drive.
April 03, 2012 06:30PM
Make sure its Fat32 single partitioned is all you should have to worry about
Re: TP-Link MR3020 -Changing flash drive.
April 03, 2012 06:32PM
I don't think OpenWRT supports usb hubs. If it does you might have to try and talk to a dev to see if its possible to use multiple flash drives. All in all it's going to be a lot more work than just buying a bigger flash drive.
Re: TP-Link MR3020 -Changing flash drive.
April 03, 2012 08:30PM
Beaware of "boot order" with multiple usb drives.
The piratebox-scripts refers to /dev/sda1 - if it differs from boot to boot it will cause trouble - alot of! sad smiley
Re: TP-Link MR3020 -Changing flash drive.
April 03, 2012 11:26PM
I have successfully change out my smaller flash drive for a larger 16GB I figured out what I was doing wrong.
As suggested I was not copying the piratebox folder to the new drive, I was simply putting in the new drive which wont work. After I made a copy of the original flash drive and copied ALL of the contents to the new flash drive including the img files everything worked.
Re: TP-Link MR3020 -Changing flash drive.
April 04, 2012 08:27PM
I literally just changed out my drive for my PirateBox. But now my web UI doesn't display the images and I think that may have been me cleaning out the folders. Were the web UI images in /mnt/usb/Piratebox/Pictures?
Re: TP-Link MR3020 -Changing flash drive.
April 04, 2012 08:48PM
Logicslayer the UI images are on the flashdrive in a directory called Piratebox. You have to take the drive that was previously in the device and copy files and directory to the new drive. then the UI should show properly
Re: TP-Link MR3020 -Changing flash drive.
April 04, 2012 09:16PM
I did, however I know that I took the flash drive that it was on and went in to clean out the folders, not realizing that the web UI pictures may have been in there. Anyways, I am pretty sure that I deleted them accidentally. I'll be updating to the version of PirateBox with a chat client so that will fix my problem.
Re: TP-Link MR3020 -Changing flash drive.
February 09, 2013 11:42PM
I tried putting all the files over to another flashdrive and it doesn't work. Actually, it won't even let me connect to the network!
Re: TP-Link MR3020 -Changing flash drive.
February 10, 2013 10:14AM
1. Check if your new usb stick ist FAT32 formatted
2. Check that you really copyied all files
Re: TP-Link MR3020 -Changing flash drive.
February 25, 2013 03:47PM

I had a question that is somewhat related to this topic. Hypothetically lets say I have 2 pirateboxes, one in my house and one at my local library. My question is, can I take the usb on my piratebox at home and swap it with the one in the library and have that piratebox work?

Of course I'll make sure that both pirateboxes are running the same version, have the same design elements, and by every possible way are exactly alike except for the content in the usb devices. I am wondering because lets say that the pBoxes are to far from one another that "meshing" ain't possible so content in the usb won't be shared across an area. But if a person could literally take the usb from pBox-A and swap it with pBox-B and then pBox-B will have the content that pBox-A was hosting then its like a sneaker-net of sorts with pirateboxes. I don't if I make sense but I hope I do.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Re: TP-Link MR3020 -Changing flash drive.
February 25, 2013 03:50PM
Yes this would work.
Everything located in /opt/piratebox can differ too... because the source for this folder is in on the usb stick.
BUT everything which has a reference back to the original filesystem like an additional installed imageboard have to be installed on both boxes
Re: TP-Link MR3020 -Changing flash drive.
February 27, 2013 04:33AM
Great thanks for the help.

Re: TP-Link MR3020 -Changing flash drive.
February 27, 2013 05:01PM
from what i learned fiddling with my hub is that it follows an order on the hub. first drive it finds with the piratebox folder gets used. none of the other drives are accessed.
Excuse me if this is a ridiculous question, but can I use an external hard drive instead of a USB? I just want a substantial amount of memory and don't want to worry about running out of storage space.
Re: TP-Link MR3020 -Changing flash drive.
June 20, 2013 11:50AM
Yes you can use external HDD, but musr be formatted into FAT 32
Thanks! At least now I know I can increase storage capacity. I want to hook it up to my MR3020 so that I don't have to worry about runnnig out of space. Thanks again. BTW, do you know have any HDDs that you might reccommend that would function perffectly with the MR3020? If so, can you let me know? Thanks.
Re: TP-Link MR3020 -Changing flash drive.
June 21, 2013 12:35AM
I myself using Seagate External HDD 500 GB , so far it works smoothly. thumbs up
Thanks for the advice. I'm planning to use a 1TB HDD. When my project is complete I'll post it up in the picture thread.
How do you know if the HDD is already formated FAT32? Will this drive help me? []
Re: TP-Link MR3020 -Changing flash drive.
June 22, 2013 01:43PM
According to its description:

> Preformatted in FAT32 for compatibility with both PC and Mac -easily reformatted to NTFS or HFS+

it is already FAT32

regards Matthias
Thanks! That'll be the one I'll purchase then.
Is there a way to completely re-install PirateBox? I've done what everyone says and I still cannot get it to work with my 32GB USB stick. Can't connect, even though I can see the SSID, and when I do, it is in the middle of starting to reboot. Rinse and repeat as many times as it likes. Power down, put the original 8GB stick in, it boots fine and works perfectly. Currently, I'm trying the auto_flash method and see if that works...That didn't work either.

Any help?
Re: TP-Link MR3020 -Changing flash drive.
September 09, 2017 01:37PM
Can you provide the installation log file from the USB stick?
Re: TP-Link MR3020 -Changing flash drive.
December 16, 2017 06:32AM
For Kaoru :
> Is there a way to completely re-install PirateBox?

Yes : 'Reflash using an USB Stick' []