Telling about a "PirateBox in classroom" initiative at the Florence Linux Day 25 October
October 07, 2014 08:49AM
On next 25 October we are going to contribute at the Linux Day in Florence: "PirateBox: your Internet that comes with you".

Last June we started an initiative to let teachers experiment with the PirateBox in their classes: 37 MR3020 boxes have been prepared and sent all over in Italy so far, and 3 teachers were able to setup the boxes by themselves. We prepare the boxes and teach people to use it by means of some tutorials. Then we send the boxes by snailmail and people will refund the bare costs online (my work is given for free). Now we are going to collect experiences, problems and new ideas in a wiki.

At the Linux Day we will describe the initiative usnig a PirateBox, of course ;-)

Thanks to the PirateBox team and the PirateBox community for having made this possible!


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/07/2014 08:00PM by iamarf.
Re: Telling about a "PirateBox in classroom" initiative at the Florence Linux Day 25 October
October 07, 2014 03:54PM
Thanks for letting us know Andreas and best of luck with your presentation!
Thanks David,
glad to have the opportunity of contributing, in some way.