Bugifx release 1.0.2
December 26, 2014 09:43AM
Hello Community,
I just released the new bugfix release 1.0.2 , which mostly contains fixes done by the community. The fixes are most important for other plattforms then OpenWrt.

Thanks a lot for contributing!

 *  [Fix] Settings for correct permission of shoutbox files
 *  [Fix] Broken probe function in some shells
 *  [Fix] Issues with Python scripts on some plattforms
 *  [Fix] Fixes in installation script
 *  [Fix] Distribute files did not work with folder containing whitespaces

Notice: The Update will remove all changes you made!
You don't need to run the complete upgrade procedure with this tiny release- but of course you can.
If you want to do a small upgrade do the following steps:

* Power off you PirateBox
* Take the USB stick to your computer
* Copy over the new install folder of the install zip you find here [stable.openwrt.piratebox.de]
* Savely remove the USB stick, put it back to your PirateBox and power it on.
* The PirateBox will perform a short reboot
* Connect & Login to your piratebox using ssh root@piratebox.lan and the password you gave. (Windows user need to use Putty)
* run the following commands
/etc/init.d/piratebox stop
/etc/init.d/piratebox updatePB
/etc/init.d/piratebox start
* Then you are done

For the raspberry, you can do the following for updating you piratebox scripts.

* Download the latest release file here
* Connect to your piratebox
* Upload the file (you can use the normal upload box)
* Login via ssh (user is root)
* run the following commands (assuming that you uploaded the file via the upload box)
cp /opt/piratebox/www/Shared/piratebox-ws_current.tar.gz /tmp
tar xzf /tmp/piratebox-ws_current.tar.gz 
cp -rv piratebox/piratebox /opt/ 
/opt/piratebox/bin/install_piratebox.sh /opt/piratebox/conf/piratebox.conf part2
systemctl restart piratebox.service

You can also use the new image file, which you can download via torrent.

Have fun!

This is only my signature.
Re: Bugifx release 1.0.2
December 26, 2014 09:48AM
FYI: the old Raspberry image will be available via official distribution until the next RPi-image release
Re: Bugifx release 1.0.2
December 27, 2014 02:07PM
Cool, thanks for releasing and your work winking smiley

thumbs up
Re: Bugifx release 1.0.2
January 03, 2015 10:58AM
is there a new package for laptop installation?
Re: Bugifx release 1.0.2
January 03, 2015 01:08PM
you can always find the latest "raw" packages here: [downloads.piratebox.de]

regards Matthias
Re: Bugifx release 1.0.2
January 10, 2015 05:12AM
Is the downloads site down? Every time I try to download a file, it times out.
Re: Bugifx release 1.0.2
January 11, 2015 03:30PM
For me everything works (tested it when you posted and now again).

This is only my signature.
Re: Bugifx release 1.0.2
January 16, 2015 06:28AM
I've tried on three different machines, and the links don't connect. The pages just try to connect, but nothing happens. I've tried nearly every day for almost a week now.
Re: Bugifx release 1.0.2
January 16, 2015 07:02AM
are you running linux?
can you try using wget?

Language: PHP
wget http://downloads.piratebox.de/piratebox-ws_1.0.2.tar.gz

and post the output please

regards Matthias
Re: Bugifx release 1.0.2
January 27, 2015 05:21PM
also not working for me
Re: Bugifx release 1.0.2
January 27, 2015 05:49PM
I downloaded it today while preparing for transmediale.

So same questions like in IRC, which I need to be able to send it to my hoster:

what kind of error message do you get?
is it a 404 ?
DNS not resolved?
Domain does not exists?

I'm writing a mail to my hoster, it seems the problems occur for Comcast user.

For debugging this issue I need:

(example for windows user)
nslookup stable.openwrt.piratebox.de
ping stable.openwrt.piratebox.de
traceroute stable.openwrt.piratebox.de

This is only my signature.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/27/2015 06:47PM by Matthias.
Re: Bugifx release 1.0.2
January 27, 2015 07:28PM
A temporary solution can be: [www.coralcdn.org]

That page creates a temporary mirror for you of "any page"

regards Matthias
Re: Bugifx release 1.0.2
April 08, 2015 02:14AM
The download page is dead for me too... trying to setup a new box.
Re: Bugifx release 1.0.2
April 08, 2015 05:48PM
This is why comcast users can't download our files
TD;DR : Comcast blocks our IPs & sucks

This is only my signature.