PirateBox Release 1.0.7 including RaspberryPI releases
February 05, 2016 09:59PM
Hello all,
I proudly present our new PirateBox 1.0.7 release. We had a bunch of changes, including new features.. this release was close to become a 1.1.0 release.

Especially, I want to thank our developer stylesuxx for pushing the RaspberryPi development so hard, that we can directly release this new version together with a new RaspberryPi 1 support, which includes the RPi-A RPi-B and RPi-Zero! This also includes an image for the RaspberryPi 2! Stylesuxx also implemented a smooth way to have a dynamic USB-wifi support, that the barely supported wifi dongles will now work easily.

And a big "Thank you" for our testers of the RaspberryPi image:

The most prominent new features & fixes are:

[New] Lock shoutbox when you send a message.
[New] Display disk space usage on front page.
[New] Add webm mime-type to lighttpd
[RPi] [New] RPi2 and Zero support
[Fix] Improve Shoutbox update speed after sending a message.

...and many more fixes around our OpenWrt support

You can find the complete changelog on PirateBox.cc.

Magnet Link for RaspberryPi1 A, B, B+ & Zero
Language: PHP

Magnet Link for RaspberryPi2
Language: PHP

Beside the fresh RaspberryPi images, we also provide new images for OpenWrt. To upgrade an existing PirateBox, you can follow the upgrade instructions. For people, who *only* want to have new UI features, you can to a simple upgrade like on the 1.0.6 release notes.

Some new features, like smoothly enabling minidlna on OpenWrt, aren't reflected in the HowTo currently. That will happen during the next couple of days.

I close this post with a big thank you for contributions and ongoing support!

best regards

Update 2016-02-07: Known issues:

* Menu in directory listing while in small display mode, does not work. Thread, will be fixed with 1.0.8 soon

This is only my signature.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 02/07/2016 09:45AM by Matthias.
Re: PirateBox Release 1.0.7 including RaspberryPI releases
February 06, 2016 04:22AM
Re: PirateBox Release 1.0.7 including RaspberryPI releases
February 06, 2016 10:42AM
Thanks a lot!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/06/2016 10:43AM by meaz.
Re: PirateBox Release 1.0.7 including RaspberryPI releases
February 12, 2016 12:10PM
Good job! I had v.1.0.2, after update I can feel the difference, every thing is more fast and responsive.