Domain offline because of datacenter relocation [done]
April 25, 2016 05:09PM
Hi all,
The domain is hosted on a different datacenter, which now moves to a different location.

This happens in the timeframe:

from Monday 2016-04-25 23:00 Europe/Berlin  (GMT+2)
     to Tuesday 2016-04-26 06:00

During this time, the following domains will not work:

I'm sorry for that disruption of our service.

edit: Seems, at least for our servers, the migration is done. I hope there won't be such a long disruption soon.

best regards

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/26/2016 03:08PM by Matthias.
Re: Domain offline because of datacenter relocation
April 26, 2016 08:23AM
It seems it takes much longer then expected.
The DNS is resolving again, but the webservers are still down :-(
Re: Domain offline because of datacenter relocation
April 26, 2016 02:06PM
seems to be working again.

PirateBox Installs:
2x Zsun's (both testing, one with serial interface)
A5-V11 (mostly for OpenWRT testing DIY)
2x RPi Zero's
(one active in car 24/7, gets a lot of hits at Walmart, movie theaters and the mall)
2x RPi3's (both home servers, one Ubuntu custom install along side a ton of other services)
1x RPi2 (currently work server)