Hi Matthias , Following your instructions we were able to fix it all and the piratebox works! Hoorah and many thanks! Tomorrow we will try to run some new or modified software on it.. Hopefully it works fine.. Ciao for now! xxxby lostsys - PirateBox OpenWrt
good to hear! Am following the old rules because TP-Link TL-W703N is not listed in the new auto install guide the question is - how do i get the piratebox software installed? openwrt is working, recognising the usb drive. i unzipped piratebox, but it doesn't install.. cheers!by lostsys - PirateBox OpenWrt
ok.. Found the correct link for openWRT drive that recognise the usb - Installed and indeed now the usb is viewable. Unzipped the piratebox. Rebooted the tplink router. However, the piratebox software doesn't seem to be installed Any hints?? Cheers!by lostsys - PirateBox OpenWrt
Hi, Attempting to install piratebox on: D-Link wr703N 1.6 Using openWRT from because ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The problem is our opkg doesn't have the right address to download the USB packages as defined in Following a opkg update We get: Downloading . wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Foundby lostsys - PirateBox OpenWrt
Attempting to set a piratebox on a tablet with android 4.4.2 Everything Seems fine - as in it tells me that the software is working. However, attempting to connect with a phone/laptop/etc, i get the wifi widget of the devices attempting to connect, but never obtaining the ip.. Looked at the ip the app produces on the tablet.. Sometimes the ip line is empty. rebooting solves that.. Then iby lostsys - PirateBox on Android
hi, thanks for coming back on this. here's what it looks like: does it mean anything significant..? Cheers and thanks! xxby lostsys - PirateBox (General)
Strange.. The break.log file is empty.. tried a few times, in case i missed something - but no clues there.. On a brighter note, done a *rough* responsive theme. It basically applies tags to bootstrap classes. To do that, I used bootstrap, futaba.css (changed name to responsive.css and had to alter a few things in index.html and templates.pl: tables got a table class. form elements got bby lostsys - PirateBox (General)
hi, Good to hear and thanks! No responsive theme? Hummm.. Perhaps I'll do a rough bootstrapping.. Probably will have to.. Will post here.. Re boards.. Wrote: $HTTP["url"] =~ "^/board/" { cgi.assign = ( ".pl" => "/usr/bin/perl" , ) } $HTTP["url"] =~ "^/board-no2/" { cgi.assign = ( ".pl" =>by lostsys - PirateBox (General)
Hiyas! Hope all is well! Done some more pirateboxy stuff in palestine, like: This is using the imageboard big time, and run into a few questions: * What do I miss when am unable to use the imageboard on folders other than in path of: root/board ? (e.g. root/folderx/board_name/y ) * Is it possible to have different boards/channels? * I can not find a responsive theme for the imageby lostsys - PirateBox (General)
Hi, Hope its fine to wonder outloud about the box file and folder structure.. * I understand that basically, modifications, added files and folders can easily come - be placed - inside the Shared folder. (eg: Shared/NewFolderName/etc..) However: * Why are there, for example, 2 board folders, one under usb/piratebox and another in opt/piratebox/www/ And * Say one fancied the Sharedby lostsys - Mods and Themes
Yes.. I can see the difficulty.. I think what you want to do is copy the zip into the Shared folder on the USB stick then via ssh root@ cd ../ then cd opt/piratebox/shared (will take you to the usb stick) then copy and unzip the file from there into the www folder (via ../www ..) To copy files: Hope thby lostsys - Mods and Themes
ok.. interesting because it sets a certain limits in assessing which are piratebox projects.. It places elements to seperate piratebox projects from other, perhaps similar, projects... Would you say its not piratebox because: 1. the way it operates (eg, to anonimise internet connection)? 2. the fact it doesn't work with a piratebox software? (..as far as we know.. they seem to work witby lostsys - PirateBox (General)
Am wondering whether anonabox: might be somehow appropriate here.. Any ideas?by lostsys - PirateBox (General)
Hi, Interesting.. Thanks! If its ubuntu, then what's with the usb version that is basically a live version of ubuntu? (12.x??) (usb works fine..) Curious, isn't it? Perhaps something with later ubuntu versions..? Humm.. No.. I have an old netbook remix.. 11.x I think - and its not working there.. Will try debian with nothing to do with ubuntu.. Cheers and thanks for checking!by lostsys - PirateBox (General)
kind of resolved rather than solved this - by running the live usb install from cheers! xxby lostsys - PirateBox (General)
from they talk about seemingly to click the link and add stuff on a wiki. However this brings an alret saying the wiki is, as should be expected, on boxes.. Then, could be good to know wiki they might be using.. (in this link - - seems like pythonbased - monkeywiki) Hummm.. a mix of v interesting with a bit confusing as well..? cheers for the link!! xxby lostsys - PirateBox (General)
Hiyas, Am trying to install on a laptop following the walk though on: sudo init.d/piratebox start, gives me: A - the internet connection (wireless) goes off. eg, no ping etc.. B - please check the print from the command.. It indicates a few errors.. (however, it seems that some elements Do start..) xchmood@xchmood:/opt/piratebox$ sudo init.d/piratebox start init.d/piratebox: 64: [[:by lostsys - PirateBox (General)
Hi, Per a quick chat on the IRC last week.. Here's an initial - probably Very partial - list of projects that make use of piratebox: Librarybox: skateboard box? from this article: Classroom box: art galleries: Palestine art "planting": A mobile cloud: A StoryBox: A treasureBox: CosmicBox: (Thanks harribionic and LesChatsCosby lostsys - PirateBox (General)
Hiyas, Apologies for the rather long time interval between an istallation session with Matthias. (thanks!!) Please let me know what you think.. Hope to make this easier for people.. Or at least to help people do mistakes that I didn't.. The installation was on tl-wr703n. Pre installation suggestions: * change the IP range of the internet router away from the 168.192.1.x range. (wby lostsys - PirateBox (General)
Hi Mattias, Thanks for the reply. > What timezone you are in? am on british summer time - but am on a very flexible personal time > What is your home network IP Range? its 192.168.1.x > Where are you stuck? What problems do you have? It seems like I manage to install openWRT - but then fail to install: web gui piratebox mounting the usb stick then, ofcourse,by lostsys - PirateBox (General)
Hi, Managed to get myself into another muddle installing piratebox v 1 this time.. (still on tp-link tl-wr703n..) Was wondering if I can Pay someone for an online help? I don't have much, perhaps 10 euros an hour.. (hopefully should not take too many hours..) Also, it occured that perhaps if such a session might be recorded, it could assist others.. (eg: we tried in the workshop aby lostsys - PirateBox (General)
Hi, Cool! Thanks! Will try and hopefully be able to report back.. Cheers!by lostsys - PirateBox OpenWrt
yup. i tried to install piratebox 1.0 on the recent openwrt.. hoped to run some php scripts.. but seems it got into a bit of a muddle.. (might be more re that later on.. Hope stuff will get solved though.. ) am just asking if the old instructions. eg: ----> are still applicable as far as it is known.. Cheers and thanks for any tips that exclude bits like: dude, just stop messing wiby lostsys - PirateBox OpenWrt
Hi, Just a quick question: Any new tips regarding php running on 1.0, or is it same case as the older versions? Cheers and many thanks for the new version! xxby lostsys - PirateBox OpenWrt
Hi Mathias, good to hear from you! Yes, it is fat32, one partition and usb 2.. Fashed device? Yes. I just installed the open wrt.. As far as i seem to have understood.. am supposed to install open wrt then on the usb, the piratebox, yes? cheers! xxby lostsys - PirateBox OpenWrt
Hiyas! Managed to put the openwrt and even ssh into it! However, the whole device seems to be accessible only via ethernet and it can not reach the net. Hence I can not: update and get a web gui. or more crucially: Unable to make it recognise the usb stick.. Ouch!! Feels like sort of catch22.. Any ideas? Please? Cheers and many thanks!! xxby lostsys - PirateBox OpenWrt
oh! duh! just noticed - got the answer, i suppose.. cheers! xxby lostsys - PirateBox OpenWrt
Seems like TP-LINK TL-WR702N N150 - might be cheaper than TL-WR703N - And easier to get with English firmware.. Any idea whether openWRT + PirateBox will work on it? Cheers! xxby lostsys - PirateBox OpenWrt
Hi Matthias, Fab to get your positive reaction, and thanks for the time zone point! Will clarify on site.. Its GMT.. Flaky connections.. I know the feeling.. Cool. Lets try this Weds, if the connection doesn't work - we could try the next one.. Last Weds. of Feb.. Same time, same place, same time zone..) Cheers! xxxby lostsys - PirateBox OpenWrt