mirroring with heartbeat for failover (I think thats what it was called when I saw it on howtoforge.com ) is done on some servers to ensure webpages are still available if one server fails. might be able to adapt that approach in situations where mesh isnt working for some reason. how to adapt this to android I have no clue.by Gannon - PirateBox (Development)
yeah I saw the hackaday thing and the info there gave me hope that it might work. think I got a few things to learn to do it from scratch, fun tinkering ahead.by Gannon - PirateBox (General)
just got this thing for a little under $40 at Walmart and was wondering if anyone had put pirate box on one or could help me try. its basicly doing the same thing already- offline WiFi sharing- And its self contained with battery and everything in about the size of an altoids tin. would love PB on this device a Google search turned up that it runs Linux and can telnet into it and they alreadyby Gannon - PirateBox (General)