NoPiracyHere Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Very nice! > > I am a little scared of deleting stuff, so I would > prefer to keep the old css. Perhaps rename it. > > > mv style.css old_style.css > Thanks! Excellent idea. The "Pirate Smile" theme is kinda the same as the original, just a few color TXTCLA55 - Mods and Themes
For those like myself who are terrible at anything too technical here's some new CSS styles to add to your PirateBox. Themes (So far) Azure Carbon Pirates Smile Tree Hugger Download All In zip //\\ Github Repo Install Instructions 1. Using SSH, log into your PirateBox and navigate to your "www" folder. 2. Remove the current "style.css" file using the comby TXTCLA55 - Mods and Themes
Problem: One thing I'm super paranoid about is my Bitcoin. To be as secure as possible an offline wallet generator is usually the best way to go. Problem is, you have to buy a computer get some OS on it, install the Bitcoin Wallet, sync, then get your wallets generated and downloaded. You can bypass this by using, but if your on your own computer thats touched the internet youby TXTCLA55 - PirateBox (General)
Hello, I spent the better part of a week trying to get this on my box. Here's what I did. Log into the box via SSH. ssh root@ Then CD to the www folder. cd /opt/piratebox/www Use the LS command to view files in the folder. To edit any file (in this case the index.html), use the vi editor with the followby TXTCLA55 - Mods and Themes
Sure I've PM'd you an email. I'm not sure if I'll be much use beta testing. The previous time I modded I had a "bricked" router for a week TXTCLA55 - Mods and Themes
Alright! I had the recent experience where I broke my PirateBox when trying to mod it, its fixed now, but I'm not a code guy. I am a designer guy though, I REALLY want to add some themesby TXTCLA55 - Mods and Themes
Hi I'd be very interested in seeing this come about. I've themed my own and I'd like to make others as well. If anything a unified style base and a simple way to upload a new css file would be amazing. But we REALLY should get design/theme are going. Even when I started making mine I could never really find any screenshots that were less than a year TXTCLA55 - Mods and Themes
I dont have a case...yet. But I've made some style edits, mainly just a background color change, and new buttons styles as well as few other little edits to make it all mesh nicely. There's also a device information card with some info on the device. I also just added a little warning text as I intend on carrying it around and figured people should know the connection may be TXTCLA55 - PirateBox (General)
Ah there we go! Thanks again!by TXTCLA55 - PirateBox OpenWrt
Yeah! Its back and I got the index and css back to the way I wanted as well. Sadly though I can't seem to log back in to it as i think I might have set up the ssh password wrong. But I couldn't care less at this point, and it actually keeps me from messing it up later on. Thanks for the help! I'll be posting pictures when I can get a suitable TXTCLA55 - PirateBox OpenWrt
I can telnet into the box. I haven't set up ssh yet as I didn't want to jump the gun. As far as I can tell its still usable, if not I'll buy another one and just stay out of the config files. Lesson learned. Here's the log TXTCLA55 - PirateBox OpenWrt
Yeah no problem, here's the results. EDIT: Tried to wipe USB and re-do update instructions. Got a broken pipe error when trying to install TXTCLA55 - PirateBox OpenWrt
Ok i got into OpenWRT and set a new password for SSH. However now when I ssh into the router I it says "root@OpenWrt:~#" not "root@piratebox:~#" which it was before all this hell...I'm guessing that means I havent installed the PirateBox at router is also no longer broadcasting wifi. I'm honestly getting to the point where I just trash it. It really shoulby TXTCLA55 - PirateBox OpenWrt
Ok I deleted all the files on the USB, and followed the update guide. I started to write the firmware and got this: root@piratebox:~# cd /mnt/usb root@piratebox:/mnt/usb# mtd write -r openwrt-ar71xx-generic-tl-mr3020-v1-squash fs-factory.bin firmware Unlocking firmware ... Writing from openwrt-ar71xx-generic-tl-mr3020-v1-squashfs-factory.bin to firmware ... Rebooting ... Write fby TXTCLA55 - PirateBox OpenWrt
Ok, when I run that command I get this: -ash: /etc/init.d/piratebox: not found EDIT: What if I just wipe the usb, and follow the update guide? Would that restore it or make matters worse?by TXTCLA55 - PirateBox OpenWrt
Hmmm so the only way to edit the front end is through ssh or off loading. I really wish that wasn't so but I can understand that it was done for a reason. TXTCLA55 - Mods and Themes
Hi, Thanks, just a quick few questions. I have the install folder from the previous install, do I keep that one or do I replace it with a fresh downloaded version? Also for the command line, I first ssh into the box, then just copy paste that and it's good to go? Sorry if these sound like pretty simple TXTCLA55 - PirateBox OpenWrt
I changed the upload folder to another like it said to do on the Mods page, but it didn't work so I went back into the config folder, and changed the line back to the way it was, saved, rebooted, but then I couldn't get anything on my screen when I connected to the box be it on my laptop or my phone. I went back into the config file and noticed that quite a few of little settings werby TXTCLA55 - PirateBox OpenWrt
Thanks! The first time I tried to off load the www folder I kept getting a 404 error when I tried to connect or refresh the page. Eventually though I actually managed to get the hang of ssh and vi and made some changes to the html and css. There should be more documentation on this as I'm sure another poor soul will have the same problem I did. Really just a basic run through of how youby TXTCLA55 - Mods and Themes
Thanks, and yeah I realized the similar characters and made the connection it was a caesar cipher. I wouldn't think of using this to send secure data, but it is a fun little add on. I'll definitely look into those links though, I suck at any programming and its doubtful I'll be back with a version 2. I thought I recognized the AES cipher, one project I did with a few friends awby TXTCLA55 - PirateBox (General)
For all the security junkies, this little page you can throw in the Shared folder allows you and everyone else to send encrypted messages. Dont take my word on the encryption strength, its just a little javascript and I don't do this for a living. I made this because recently a friend pointed out how although its great to be open with information, some text based information may just need toby TXTCLA55 - PirateBox (General)
I've an unholy love for just making stuff with HTML/CSS and it kills me to see an open source project where I cannot easily do so. I've read the other topics on custom design, but I'm a noob to all this ssh stuff and I ended up messing up the PirateBox and had to call in a friend to fix it. Solution? To be honest I'd just like to theme it, upload my own CSS file maybe, MAYby TXTCLA55 - Mods and Themes
I've an unholy love for just making stuff with HTML/CSS and it kills me to see an open source project where I cannot easily do so. I've read the other topics on custom design, but I'm a noob to all this ssh stuff and I ended up messing up the PirateBox and had to call in a friend to fix it. Solution? To be honest I'd just like to theme it, upload my own CSS file maybe, MAYby TXTCLA55 - PirateBox OpenWrt